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A week out of the hospital. I am reblogging a lot of the fanfiction posts on my tumblr when a fangirl oath pops up. I thought it will be funny so I raised my left hand in the air and started reciting it. My sister came in and started doing it to. "Did I just sell my soul?" She joked.
"Yup your one of us now."
Her eyes got a look of fear on them and she called for my mom. "Sweetie what?"
"Eden just made me sell my soul."
"Are you stupid Brooke?"
"Brooke you know how Eden is why would you do that?"
Something snapped inside of me. "How I am. I never said she sold her soul."
"yeah whatever." my mom called. She turned away and I mentally groaned. "Fucking psycho." My sister called.
I sat on the air mattress ready to cry. Ready to cut myself ready to do things that people at the hospital said I shouldn't do.

"Hey." I said to the person on the left of my locker. It is our ritual to say hi and bye before we head to class but she shot me a look and hurried away. I stared at her back then slammed my locker shut and headed to math. Sitting in my usual seat in the middle I waited for the teacher to enter.
She asked a couple of questions and I avoided the answers but then she did call on me. "Ummmm-"
"Don't ask her she only has one answer for everything." Some stupid kid named Zion called out. I flipped him the bird but all the teacher said is "settle down kids." Wow if that is anyone else she would have a whole speech.
When school ended I went home and told mom about it. "She told everyone it's ridiculous."
"It's not that bad Eden, it's your own fault for getting sent there." She frowned and turned away. "How could she say that? I quietly got up and wandered into ny bathroom pulling out a blade and slitting my thigh.

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