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"Hey how you holding up?"
"I'm fine." I told my friend Matthew. We became friends in ninth grade and as seniors we are pretty close. He took a seat next to me. "You look ten times happier."
I giggled. "I met a guy."
"Really what's his name?"
"James, he's so ughhh perfect. He calls me his merch lover."
"He sounds perfect. But remember your bestfriend will always be here if he does hurt you."
"Thanks man."

"Hey what are you doing?"
"Walking out of school. Why?"
"I'm picking you up. You said Martin Luther right?"
And he did pick me up three minutes later. "Hey my merch lover."
"Hey James."
"So Pitch perfect 2 just came out and I know you like merch so you must love movies. And I bought two tickets so you can't say no."
"Are you serious?" When he nodded I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Do you realize your perfect?"

We bought ice cream and when 6:00 came we skipped everyone waiting to buy a ticket and went to get good seats. "Right in the middle because up front is to close and in the back you get blocked."
The movie was very funny (no spoilers.)
and halfway through it James snuck his hand in mine and I tightened my hand on his. He glanced over surprised but then he smiled. When the movie ended we both waited for everyone to leave the movie theatre. Getting up and walking out some kid ran right into James with his drink. "Sorry dude." The little boy said. And James with soda dripping down his shirt just laughed. "It's cool. I hate this shirt anyway." My heart melted. Walking out to his car he opened his trunk and pulled out an extra shirt. He slid off his shirt and I held my breath. God this boy is beautiful.
His body was fit in a I'm not buff but I'm not a shrimp either kinda way. His six pack was like ughhh and wait hold on I'm staring. "Your very fit." I told him.
"Yeah I have to be, to be in the Marine's. They overwork us."
I laughed and when he finally pulled on the Doctor Who t-shirt I breathed a sigh of relief. Gosh this boy is beautiful.
He ran his fingers through that perfect Jet black hair and said "well I should probably get you home." So I directed him to my house and we sat right out front. "I'll be at your merch store everyday." He laughed. "Of course, you'll be working there."
"Why do you always know what to say?" I thought.
"If I find a cheap place. Nothing is cheap anymore."
"You'll find a cheap place." I leaned over to kiss his cheek but he turned his head and kissed my lips. His lips are soft and sweet and wait just a peck. I pulled away. "Thanks for that I needed it." I told him. He smiled and leaned in again and brushed his lips on mine. "Your so beautiful Eden."
"Thank you James."

I walked up to my front door and knocked on it super happy. The door opened and Brooke pulled me in. "Eden where were you?"
"Hanging with a friend."
"The friend is probably depressed. Nobody else will hang out with you." My mom glared me down. "The only reason no-one else will hang with me is because you told everyone."
"People need to know your a fucking Psycho hazard."
"You need to tell us where your going Eden."
"Are you serious? She just treats me like shit and you do nothing?"
"We're not talking about-"
"But she's here. I hate her and all you do is let her treat me like that."
"Well she's my daughter so if you hate her I hate you."
"Then hate me you never cared anyone."
"FUCKING PSYCHO!" My sister called.

"When will I die" I thought as the blade slit across my hip. I winced as each cut got deeper.

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