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The next week I got to text and call James but no surprise visits and kisses. I got my Disney Store uniform. Working in this store makes me so proud and the hours are long. Which means a lot of money!$$"
Tuesday afternoon I was working and some little girl came up to me. Her hair is longer than mine and very full. It's a nice beautiful dark brown color and she looks adorable. "Do you guys have any Vidia dolls?" I love Vidia so I knew she is referring to Tinkerbell. "I think,here let me help you." Bringing here to the Tinkerbell section I looked around for a while then saw the Vidia doll. "It's here." She grabbed it with her tiny chubby hands but then her beautiful smile fell. "It's to much. Here." She handed me the doll and went to leave the store. No I hated to see her sad. "Wait! Um how much do you have to spend?"
"25 dollars."
"Well I have the store discount and 10 dollars on me."
Her eyes lit up. "Really?"
"I wouldn't lie."
Five minutes later this happy girl hugged me then walked out screaming "your my fairy godmother!"
I smiled at her cuteness then worked for seven more hours. Nothing else really happened.

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