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I logged onto my mom's computer because A: my sister would never let me use hers and B: my mom refuses to buy me one. I got two emails from The Disney Store saying I got the job and one from Payless. Yayyy I don't really favor Payless so Disney it is! I got a ding and I opened the text.
"My boss makes me work crazy hours!"
"I just got a job at The Disney Store!"
Opening the email I read a long letter telling me to come to the store friday afternoon.
"Cool we should celebrate."
"A dark car our lips."
I gasped and then a few seconds later.
"Jk I want an excuse to take you out to dinner.I'm outside if you want to come."
Yes. Hold on."
I pulled on a 5sos t-shirt and some shorts and slipped in my vans. "Mom I'm going out."
"Where are you going?"
"I got a job offer-"
"Oh that's nice sweetie have fun."
Really she didn't even let me finish. I ran outside and into James car. "Hey my merch lover." He pulled out the driveway and said "I'm taking you to Steak & Shake because when we passed one the other day you stared at it longer than usual which means you must love Steak & Shake."
Awww he noticed. "Yeah I haven't had it since..." since the hospital. "Since forever."
We parked and we walked up to Steak & Shake holding hands. Holy shit we're holding hands. He asked for a table for two and we sat there just talking. "Tell me about your classes. Your teachers and students. It's different for us boy prep student's."
"Well I have math first period Mrs.Hill, she's nice but math is a bit boring. Second period I have Mrs.Dane my stagecraft teacher.I lost an alligator prop in class and she thinks that's bad luck because my favorite animal is an alligator. She's a bit insane but she's also the drama teacher and people who act are crazy." James laughed. "One of my friends act, he runs down the hall and demands everyone else let the king pass."
I giggled and James told me to continue.
"My period three is Marine biology with Mrs.Leigh she always has us doing projects and one time I burnt a straw because I set the heater to high." Insert laughter here. "My period four Mrs.Collison is info to intro tech and I swear I suck at Photoshop." He laughed again. "It's a bit easy."
"For you."
At that moment our food came and we ate in silence for a few minutes then "wait tell me more about your classes."
"My period five teacher Mrs.Brady is so obsessed with puns it's actually funny seeing all those puns. No-one else understands them but I love them. My period Six Mr.Milliken is my favorite teacher and he always jokes around mean with me but truthfully he says I'm his favorite student."
"What's not to love?"
"My period seven teacher is nice sometimes but other times she super super bitchy. I ate a slice of pizza I got from a blood drive in her class and she screams "Mrs.Hood who allowed you to eat in my class! When her favorite student is eating one so close to me. Like ughhh! She's chorus her name is Mrs.Sarkozy." He laughed.
"Your explaining is so funny."
"I try."
I got up to use the bathroom and as I was heading back some purple haired girl and her friends walked by. I got blocked from the table and finally they past letting me get to my food.
We finished our food and he paid. Getting up we left and headed to his car. He drove me home and sat in front of my house. "So you work at The Disney Store if I just pop by for a visit I better get a kiss."
"How about one now?"
He smiled at the window turned to look at me and my breath caught in my throat. He is so beautiful. He leaned close and pressed those perfect lips to mine. His kiss got deeper but then he ended it. "I don't want to take things to far." Uaghhh he's perfect. I walked up to the house and waved at him then knocked on my door. My sister opened the door. "Who the fuck is that."
"A guy."
"You guys kissed?" I blushed and she smirked evilly. "But you guys aren't dating because face it he only wants one thing."
"That's a lie."
"Your so fucking stupid. Aren't you?"
"Just because guys use you doesn't mean he will use me." I didn't see it coming. My sister punched me hard in the gut. "Say that again and I'll kill you. You think mom would care?"
"Fucking bitch." I coughed out. She slapped me cutting my lip. "Go kill yourself."
I slowly walked myself to my room and changed into pjs praying to anything that will listen to kill me. I got a text from Matthew a few minutes later saying
"Hey how's life?"
"It's k."
"What's wrong?"
"I swear to God I will call child protective services on your fucking family!"
"Its fine I'm going to bed."
"Please don't. Do some happy thinking listen to Bob Marley Plzzzzz."
"Im going to bed."
"I love you!!!!!!!!!!"
I smiled at the message and said the love goes out for you to."
"Good I thought your bitch ass wouldn't throw me back love."
"What are you serious? Me not throw you love. That's preposterous."
"What does that big word mean?
"Idk it sounds nice enough."
"Is James nice enough?...in bed."
"I wouldn't know...yet ;P
"Ooohhhh you dirty...what you planning?"
"Lol I'm joking. I doubt he evn likes me. Brooke says he doesn't."
"Don't listen to that fucking slut. I swear I have some friends that will knock her out."
"It's fine."
"No it's not."
"Look at the time. Goodnight love."
"Goodnight Eden."

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