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"Matthew you rascal!"
He turned and I jumped on his back and wrapped my legs around his stomach. "Dude your fat."
"Gee what every girl wants to hear."
He laughed then asked "what?"
"James kissed me. On meh lips!" I jumped off his back and started dancing around. "Calm down ok now tell me everything." He pulled me into our broom closet sat on a bucket while I rested on a shelf and started to speak. "So we were at the movie and it ended and his shirt came off and I went to kiss his cheek and then he kissed my lips."
His eyebrow went up. "Why was his shirt off?"
"Some kid spilled soda on him but that's not it he kissed me. I got my third kiss! And this one meant something."
"Ouch." Matthew told me.
You see my first kiss was on the playground in second grade and my second kiss belonged to Matthew in ninth grade. When I first met him he asked me when was my last kiss and I said second grade and then he said that isn't a real kiss and I got sad because I didn't have my first kiss and then he kissed me and said "don't be sad you got your first kiss." and we have been friends ever since. I punched his arm. "You brushed your lips against mine and gave me my first kiss. But yes Matthew it has meaning." He grinned and waved me away. "I need to meet James because hell knows your bitchy family won't." I hugged him. "Now let's get serious. Pull down your pants."
Ok wait stop erghhh rewind Matthew didn't mean strip myself he wanted to check my hips. I pulled the black jeans down a bit and he saw the cuts on my hips. "Why did you start over again?" I didn't answer and he shook his head. "I swear I will go down to your house and punch your fucking sister in her face." Matthew is Puerto Rican so he could back up that shit. "You tried to hang yourself and I cried. Ok and I never cry!" He lowered his voice. "I can't have you doing that again. I love you to much and your family setting you off?" He sighed "what the actual fuck!"
"Calm down Matthew it's fine." He pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "I can't lose you. You flipping freak."
"Thanks Matthew. You are the bestest friend ever."
"I know now I need to tell you about the hot girl I met." The bell rang and we both left the broom closet.
"How hot?"
"Super super hot."
"What grade?"
"Actually she's working for my father. She's a junior in college."
"She's to old for you Matthew."
"I know she'll break my heart,hide me!" He pulled me to another hallway and I smirked. "You saw Jessica?"
He nodded and I sighed "she's not that bad."
"But she's a sophmore. That's a two year difference."
And she's a junior in college! I talked to Jessica sweetie and she's nice and not at all weird. Her style is a lot like yours."
Matthew shrugged because he's a stubborn mule and I continued. "And she's been through a lot so please don't be so noticeably mean."
He shrugged again and I knew that meant he zoned out. "You ass!" I said bumping into his arm.

"Hi Mr.Parker." I told Matthew's dad.
"Eden I tell you every single day for four years call me David. And every day she says-"
"Hi David." I said hugging him.
"Until you call me Mr.Parker in three minutes." He smiled and said "how are you? Everything fine because if it's not you can stay with me."
I smiled and nodded. "Everything is fine Mr.Parker-David!"
"Dad works too sweetie." He walked into his office and I followed. Matthew's father has money and they live in some mansion. Matthew sat on a chair and I went to stand behind Mr.Parker. "so what's happening with this building?" Mr.Parker owns almost every building in our town and that gets him a lot of money. "It's a simple building for like stores. But I have to make the price cheap because no-one wants to buy it." I picked up the info on the building. One story, a lot of room up front and then a back room. "How much are you selling it for?" He sighed. "Probably cheap, around a thousand dollars."
"Is there any takers?" He shook his head. "Maybe I should have the building torn down."
"No! I mean Mr.Dad isn't that a lot of money?"
Matthew laughed behind me and Dad thought about it. "It is. I'll keep it up for a few more months." I hugged him and Matthew and I left his office.

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