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"So what happened when you left?" I am currently sleeping over Matthew's house he is on the floor and I'm on his bed. "Well we kinda..."
"Kinda what damnit?...wait did you guys fuck?"
"No idiot...we made love."
"Oh meh gawd your not a virgin." He jumped up and started dancing. "I like her I really do. A lot."
I fell asleep soon after.

Who cares?

James Graduation
He accepted his high school diploma turned to take a picture then left stage.

"To a great night." He kissed me and I smiled. "To a great boyfriend."
"To a greater girlfriend."
"Oh shutup you beat me." He laughed at my attitude. "I won when I met you."
"I mean...." His eyes widened and I laughed. "I'm kidding you dummy...I mean merch lover."

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