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I walked into McDonald's to try to get my old job back. "Theresa-"
"Mrs. Paul." My boss corrected.
"Are you serious?"
"Look Eden your sweet but I can't have someone depressed working for me. It's against my code." A tear fell from my eye. "They redid my room."
"They redid my room with my money."
"The getaway money?" Theresa asked.
I nodded and her hand rested on my shoulder. "You know what I'll help you get a job. Ok?"
I nodded and she led me out her office. "Thanks Mrs.Paul."
"Theresa, Eden."
I shook her hand and walked toward the door. I went to pull it but it already pushed open smacking my face. "Oh my God!" A boy leaned over me inspecting my forehead. "I'm sorry ma'am." He took a good look at me and smiled. "Lady,I'm sorry lady." He pulled me to ny feet and kissed ny hand. I laughed and he bowed for extra measure. "I hope I don't inflict brain dammage."
"Nothing worse than usual." I joked.
He raised an eyebrow. "Oh so a lot of guys knock a cute girl on her butt." I groaned ",nope just you."
"Then let me buy you food?" I looked into really cute electric blue eyes and said "sure but not here I just got fired."
"Oh so little Caesars then?" I nodded and he took my hand in his and we walked across the street. I studied him and he is quite beautiful. Jet black hair that he covered with a beanie. Skinny jeans and a belt buckle. He had a long sleeved t-shirt on but he pulled up the sleeves showing his toned arms. Why is this cute boy flirting with me?
When he bought us food we sat in his car and talked. "So I know you don't go to my school because it's an all boy school so where do you go?"
"Martin Luther high."
"Fancyeee. I'm James by the way."
"Eden. So how old are you? You are a senior right?"
"Yes I am. Are you a senior or junior?"
"Senior. I'll be leaving soon."
"Where are you headed Eden?"
I leaned in close. "Wherever life takes me. "How about you any plans for your future?"
"I plan to wait until I'm twenty and I don't open my own store or join the Marine's.
"Like my brother." I said quietly.
"Are you ok?" I smiled at him. "I'm fine just you know my brother's a marine."
"Oh does he like it?"
"I don't know he doesn't visit." James sensed he must have hit a nerve because he said "I hope I get to visit you often."
"How do you know we'll see each other after this?"
"Because I would be stupid to let a girl like you go." I smiled at this very beautiful boy before me. He could be a player or a woman beater but in this moment he makes me happy. "I have to go now but here's my number and if you want you could text me or call me."
"I'll call you. I know you like the fault in our stars." I laughed looking down at my Okay shirt.
"See you." I said turning to head to my house.
"Maybe see you would be our always." He called out.

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