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"In honor of this moment can I introduce you to the one person I call family?"
James noddes very excited. I held his hand and we walked to Matthews locker. "So this is the James your always going on and on about. His shirt was off,nice toned body,those lips." Matthew said mimicking my voice. But then he got serious. "James if you ever hurt her you know what I'll do?
"Take my lifeeee whoaaaa?" James half sang spoke.
"I was going to say beat you up but nice AFI reference I like you ok don't make me regret it."
They dapped then Matthew wrapped his arm around mine. "Your having dinner at my house. My dad told Her." I squeezed him then went off with James. "My mom wants to meet you. She says that I have to introduce her to the girl I like." I squeezed his arm. "Yay I get to meet your family."
"Yes my merch lover. My mom,sister,and ten year old brother. He will probably be sassy with you. He's going through a nobody likes him phase. My sister, she's seven and really adorable. My mom is nice they are crazy they'll crowd around you if that makes you feel-"
"James stop I'll love them they seem super sweet." He took a deep breath and we drove to his house. It is a normal homely house. Yellow house with white windows and a huge tree out front with a swing. Suddenly I got nervous. "James?"
"What if they don't like me?"
My breathing sped up of course they won't like me. My depression will show and the cuts on my arms and am I wearing long sleeves-
"Eden please they will love you. They will love your beautiful dirty blonde hair those dark brown eyes that I know hides secrets and they will love you. Stop fretting." He held out his hand and I took it. He led me up to the front porch and pulled out a key unlocking the door. "Mom I'm home."
"Thank God is Eden with you. Did she say yes. Of course she said yes." His mom hurried into the family room took one look at me and burst into tears. "She's beautiful. You said she was beautiful but damn you suck at describing." She kissed my cheek then kissed her son. "Sorry Eden I suck at holding in emotion. Kids get in here." James two little siblings ran in and one of them stopped and screamed a very recognizable doll in her hand. "Fairy Godmother your Eden?" She jumped into my arms. "Wait your the woman who gave my daughter the doll?"
I nodded and James mom smiled widened. "That is so sweet because she could not save her money for nothing and then she came home with a doll she could not afford saying her fairy Godmother got it for her." I smiled. "I mean she wanted it and she was so adorable."
"Wait introductions!" James mom called out. "I'm Jasmine,this is Lily and Dean."
"Harry Potter." I whispered.
"What?" James asked. "Harry Potter all your names are from Harry Potter. That's very cool."
"Thanks sweetie I'm glad you Like Harry Potter."
Dean turned away done with the conversation but his mom called him back. "Where are you going?"
"To my room this is boring. I'll just keep watching the previews of big hero six until I get the movie down."
"You have never seen Big Hero Six?"
He shook his head close to tears. "Well then that's awesome because I bought the movie from my store and here it is." I told Dean pulling it from my book bag. It had just come out in the store and I never saw it so I wanted to watch it with James but now we could watch it with the whole family. Dean's eye's widened. He turned to James and says "keep this one. Cherish this one."
Dean's expression during the movie was beautiful and when Hiro's brother died both Dean and I had tears running down our faces. Then in the end when Hiro had to leave Baymax behind, Dean had come close to me and cried in to my arm while tears flew down my face. Then boom happy ending. I wiped my tears away and Dean did to and then James started laughing at me. "Sorry my merch lover you just look so cute." He kissed my tear stained cheek and then Dean climbed in his lap. "Where's my kiss?"

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