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"Babe. Don't pick me up."
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Kisses bye!"
I hung up and called Matthew.
"Pick me up when my shift is over."
"Got it longlegs."

"So where are we headed?"
"To your house I haven't found a good Valentine's day present yet."
"Do you think I should get Jessica something?" Matthew asked quietly.
My head snapped toward him. "Why you finally liking her?" He shook his head. "No I just thought because she likes me."
"No she doesn't." His head snapped toward me this time. "What yes she does." I shook my head. "Sorry sweetie. She has been talking to this junior lately. He's cute to." I giggled glad to be making this up. He needed to realize he likes her. He started to bite his nails and turned away to stare straight ahead.

"Hi dad."
"Hi Eden."
"Dad I need your help. My boyfriend wants to open a store and well we want to open a store and it's a merch store and I need you to promise I can have the building. I want to give it for him Valentine's day."
"What if you guy's break up?"
"They won't." Matthew said still inspecting his nails. "It's very much love." I coughed because I didn't like that word and dad laughed. "When is he turning eighteen?"
"Two days after." Mr.Parker stared at me for the longest time. "If you pay me five hundred now I can give the deed to James and it can be done."
"Are you serious?" He nodded. "When can I pay the other five hundred?" He shrugged. "Never Eden your like my daughter." I screamed and hugged him and screamed again while bringing out a checkbook and thanking him. I am sooooo happy nothing I mean nothing can ruin this. Nothing!
"You can't go out on Valentine's day."
"Mom please I'm not fucking James. Why do you listen to Brooke."
"That's final." She went off to her room while Brooke stood there laughing. "So your staying in your room studying while I go out-"
"And fuck the whole town!" She punched me in the eye. I took a step back and felt a bruise already happening. "Now even if you do manage to leave you'll look like shit."
I went to the bathroom and inspected and yes I could see a bruise coming along. By tomorrow it will be huge. I sat there and cried. I can't see James and my face looks horrible. I turned the key over in my hand and thought about a Valentine's day ruined.
"The only one I could have celebrated." I said sadly. Getting up I wandered to my room and stared out the window. I'm on the second floor so how am I supposed to do this? Sneak out like in those romantic movies. I mean Matthew did it and he was in my room. But how? I climbed out and put my foot on a vine. "Fuck I could die." I whispered. Another vine that didn't cut off for a few seconds then ",shit." I found a jut in the wall then jumped landing on my feet. "Shit I did it. I'm rebellious!" I climbed back up and into my bed. Not even caring about the bruise.

Saturday February 14
I woke up and yawned. My phone screen is lit up so I opened it reading two texts and checking the time 11:35 the texts read "Happy Valentine's day Eden.Hearts and kisses my merch Lover."

"Happy Vday Eden. I remember we have been single for this day for four years. Now look at you. With love-Matthew."
I awwed at both of them and sent James a happy Vday babe miss you. And I sent Matthew
"Dude I'll always remember those single times. I love you p.s should have held Jessica."
I got up and went to the mirror staring at myself. It was an ugly bruise. My boring dirty blonde hair lay tangled around my head. My brown eyes looked unrecognizable. I got to work on brushing my hair and pulling it into a braid. A very cute braid. Washing my face and brushing my teeth I wandered into my room. What to wear? I opened my drawer and pulled out some cute shorts, but not to short, and a One Direction long sleeve T-shirt. I paired it with knee high black socks and my vans. Walking downstairs I grabbed four cheesesticks and ran back up to my room.
My phone dinged and James said
"I'll pick you up at 1:00."
"See you then."
"You'll never want to let me go when you see my gift."
"Same James same

After waiting the longest time I got a text saying he's here and I tucked a bandana in my pocket then I climbed out my window like I practiced yesterday and ran to his car. That beautiful Toyota Corolla.
He leaned over and kissed my lips and then he took off. We drove for around thirty minutes. "This is a two person present so think of me when you use it." He smiled at me and I smiled back nervous. Finally he stopped and parked the car. We are at a park I have never seen before and there is hills and it's quiet in peaceful. "Before we get out the car please tell me what's wrong with your eye?"
"No James, let's go."
"Please Eden I'm worried." He really did seem worried. I kissed his cheek. "Nothing James." We both got out him still looking worried. He led me up a hill with a blanket already set out. "I had my bestfriend drive by here earlier and put this down. Our school is a mile from here."
"Ohh I want to meet your bestie."
"You will." He replied kissing my forehead.
We sat and he pulled me close to him. "You know this probably looks like the typical clique scene."
I turned to look up at him. "Is it?"
He nods then looks down at me. "Stay here. I'm going to get something out of my car." He kisses my lips again and gets up and jogs to his car. I lean back. He's a dream and when I see him wander back my stomach starts fluttering again. Why again? He has a huge picnic basket in his hand and when he sits he starts to pull out presents. "Here's alligator stuffed animals,a box of chocolates,Comic-Con tickets,5sauce tickets-"
"Wait!" He looks up a smile hinted on those lips. "Let me see that!" So he hands over the four tickets he's holding. Two Comic-Con tickets and two 5sauce tickets. "Now Comic-Con is in the summer and the 5sos tickets are in september so I bought you a 100$ dollar gift card to Hot Topic. The tickets are for two people so you could bring a friend."
"Are you serious? Babe I'm bringing you!" I climbed ontop of him kissing him while he laughed. I kissed his lips,cheek,eyes. He stopped laughing and looked me straight in the eye. "Your amazing."
He smiled. "Your the best thing that happened to me." He answered back.
"Now for my gift. We need to head back to around my school." So we picked up the gifts and interlocked our fingers on the way to the car. "I'm naming him Benny." I said kissing the alligators snout.
"Sounds realistic." He said snorting.
"Hush, Benny I love you."

"Turn here. Anddddd stop." I turned to him. "Before we get out..." Dramatic pause "put this on your eyes." I gave him the bandana and he wrapped it around his eyes. I got up and ran over to his door helping him out. "Ok so just like hold into me."
"Ok but don't let me trip." I could see the building in front of me and the key in my pocket to open it. "Shit." James said stumbling. I coughed to hide a giggle and he grabbed my waist tickling it. "Laugh now."
Ha ha ugbbbb James stop."
I led him up to the building. Opened the door with the key and told James to take the blindfold off. He did smiling then his smile dropped. "Holy shit Eden."
"D-do you like it?" He turned to look at me. "How much was this?"
"Only five hundred from Matthew's dad but the deed is yours. He just calls me his daughter." I continued to ramble on until James pulled me close. "I have this feeling and I can't describe it. But it's a good feeling." I giggled. "Wait James you have to see the inside." So I pulled him inside. "This huge first room is of course the store and look how cute it is. Now these side doors could get knocked down and boom dressing room. This is a bathroom and this is your back office. Right where your desk will go." He laughed at that one. "I don't need a desk." He kissed my lips greedily and soon I was lying on the floor with him on me. His lips everything about him. They are so beautiful and they do things to my body. "Babe we have to get back." I said looking up at him. He stared down at me and nodded.

"I don't think my sister is home want to meet my mom?" He nodded so we both got out and walked to the front door. I knocked a few times and then fuck! "Hi Eden and this must be your boyfriend." Brooke said smiling at me. She didn't look evil. She dragged him inside by his upper arm and told him to sit. She went in the kitchen to get drinks and I told him "don't drink anything she gives you and don't believe anything she says." She came back in with two of mom's wineglasses and wine. "To you guys. Now let's see, secrets must be unveiled on this special day." At last I saw where this is headed. I jumped up but it's to late. "James my dear dear sister here was in a mental hospital." His mouth opened slightly and he tilted his head confused not sure he can believe this or not. "She tried to kill herself. She took pills and tried to scratch out her veins." She grabbed my arm and pulled my sleeves down showing the markings on my arm. "But you know what they say if at first you don't succeed try try again."
"Your sick." James said to my sister jumping up. He took a look at me and ran out. "James!"
He ran to his car and opened the door.
"It's true James but it doesn't mean I'm any different."
"I know it doesn't. Fuck ok. But I'm your boyfriend I would want to know shit like this. I want to help because I know damn fucking well your family isn't going to." He punched his car while tears ran down my eyes. "I was going to tell you." I whispered. "When!? When? After you get sent to another one or when I found you dead on the news. I can't lose someone again. This changes everything."
"No it changes nothing. Please." He got in his car and drove away. There goes my happiness driving away.
I walked back to the house and Brooke stared shocked. "I didn't think that would happen. Holy shit you chose the wrong guy." I didn't even look at her. I just crawled into bed and repeated what he said in my head "I can't lose someone again. I can't lose someone again."

Holy shit 1933 words. Wow who saw that coming. I did lolol. I mean wait sad thoughts because this was sad

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