Let's get real

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I wake up to arms around me, I look up to see Niyah's resting face. She look peaceful. I get up and go down and start cooking. While I was cooking, I started thinking about all the times she saved me and took care of me. I started to blush, she made me feel small. Even though I am taller, she never hesitated to make me feel like a baby. I snapped out of my own trance when I hear footsteps. I grabbed the closest knife to me, ready to stab whoever. I turned quickly and nearly stabbed Niyah. She didn't even flinch, instead she just looked tired. I put the knife down and apologized a million times. She said it's fine a million times, she is really nice to me. She goes to sit down and watch me cook. We stay silent for about 3 minutes, then the food was ready. I made the plates and we ate. While eating, I noticed that she would steal glances at me. "Something you wanna say?" She stopped eating and looked at me. "We need to check the town, but I need to know if you're up for it." She looked serious, it's kinda cute. I nod and we go back to eating. When we got done, we cleaned, got ready, and head to the car. Once we got in, Niyah occupied the driver seat, and I started tampering with the radio. I stopped when I hear a lady. "For all who may still be normal, this is not a drill. A disease is going around. If said person is acting aggressively, heighten strength/senses, or is infected at all, I plead for you to not engage. The infected can pose as normal people so please be careful. We are not fully sure how to tell. Thank you for your cooperation." We sit and take in what she just said. I remember how Niyah was bitten, how she snapped at the teacher, on how I can be next. I wave those thoughts away by thinking how genuinely gentle she is with me. She treats me like a fragile piece of glass ready to break at any second. I snapped out of it again and noticed her free hand. Before thinking, I grabbed it and squeezed. She never took her eyes off the road, but she squeezed my hand back. She stops at the school, with that comes the memories. We walk in to see a massacre. So many people dead in front of us. We hear a noise, and Niyah is ready to fight. I once again realized how real this was and how me and her can die at any moment.

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