Another One

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I wake to soft little snores, too cute. I try to get, key word TRY. "No mommy, stay please." I chuckled at Elijah, "I wanna make y'all breakfast." They still hold on with no remorse, "Just stay a little longer mistress." Marcus starts massaging my thighs. I swear this boy is a brat. "Okay, I'll stay for only a little longer. I don't enjoy getting ganged up on by y'all." I hear them giggling. I get comfortable until I sense something wrong. I didn't want to startle the boys, so I told them I was gonna get a water bottle. I go outside without making a sound, I see something in the bushes. "Come out now." I see hands entering the air, "I'm sorry miss, for disturbing you." I relax a bit but was still at attention. He looks at me like a child lost in a store looking for their parent. "Come inside." I grab his hand, damn he's cold. I make him some hot chocolate, and put a cover around him. "Where you from?" I see him tense, his eyes starts to water. That was everything I needed to know. "It is still quite early, try to get some sleep right now. There are two other boys here, I think you can get some reliability from them." I leave him and go back upstairs. "What took you so long?" I told them about the boy. "Does that mean we can get up later?" I nod and they silently cheer. I hear the rain pitter patter on the windows, maybe God meant for today to be a rest day. I fall asleep as the boys snores start to be evident. I wake up hearing something down stairs. This time the boys were in a deep sleep, deep enough for me to escape their grasps. I go down stairs to see the boy struggling with a injury he has. "What happened to your neck?" He got startled, "Please don't send me out there, I will do anything. Just please." He continues to beg, he finally shuts up when he sees me with heated scissors from the fire. "This is going to hurt, exhale." He exhales and I press the knife on the injured. He tries to scream but I beat him to it and put a towel in his mouth. After keeping it there for a few seconds, I quickly take it off and replace it with an alcohol covered patch. He winces and I give him an apology smile. The boys comes down to introduce themselves. I walk up and whisper into their ears, "Be nice brat." Marcus laughs, "I'll try." The boy opens his mouth, "My name is Tye, thank you for keeping me."

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