Ah Shit

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I wake to feel to weights on each of my side, both equally cute. I get up and see them snuggle up to each other. I go back to working on the barb wires, I continue to work for two hours. I hear footsteps again, but instead of Elijah I got Marcus. I felt myself scowling at him. "How long were you awake?" I used to always love his morning voice. I tell him two hours, he starts to scold me too. I just ignore him hoping he'll get the memo of not to talk to me. "Look, I know we had our differences but please just talk to me. I spent the past week watching people die and being alone, I can't take your silence anymore." I was livid, "You made sure I didn't have friends for years and you couldn't survive a couple of days in isolation." I saw his head fall and left him outside to think about his actions, but I felt a hand on my wrist. "Don't go, please stay out here with me. I won't bother you I promise." I nod and get back to work. My mind drifts off to the boy and how soft he is. Was he always this soft underneath? I was cut off when the boy lied his shoulder on my shoulder, I nudged him off and told him to help Elijah in the kitchen. I start thinking more about Marcus and how I used to like him. I used to love his green eyes, his light skin, his low curls, and how beautiful he was. We grew up however and he found something to do. That fucktard decided it would be hilarious to start bullying me, and he brought up every insult in the book. I went through hell because of him, and it was all for my attention. I think that's bullshit. I paid attention to him when I wasn't busy with school work and other work- Oh my God, I'm an idiot. That still doesn't mean you treat me like shit, I can't control how much work the school gives me. Why would he want my attention, he had more friends more people to talk to other than me. I was snapped out when I hear something break. I dropped the wire and picked up my axe ready to kill, I was already pent up and stressed. I see a man on top of Elijah trying to kill him. I sneak closer to them and chop the man's head off. Elijah gets up and hugs me. I hug him back and go looking for Marcus, and I see a bitch trying to stab him. I swing and chop, another head another nickel. We clean and sanitize the house. We eat and go to the library. To run some blood tests, we only did one tube. We sit and relax with some calm reading time. This time when I felt a head on my shoulder, I let it stay and read off my shoulder. Elijah stayed on my lap and continued to get comfy. We went upstairs, got cleaned up, and went to bed. My God, what a day.

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