Cuddles for Everyone

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"Who's the boy?" I tell him that he is nothing but someone who picks on people. He tells me how lying to him will help, I hate how right he is. "Remember how I had that incident with the teacher, he was the reason I walked out the class and was crying. Tausch didn't make it any better. After the incident, he made sure that I would be alone and not happy." I stop when I feel that familiar adrenaline and breathe. "Oh, I'm sorry for asking. Is it going to be a problem in the future?" I just nod and tell him as long as he leaves me alone. "Niyah, can we speak please?" I look at Elijah and he nods so I nod. I walk out and Elijah tells us that dinner will be ready in 20 minutes.  We get to the library and sit. "Look, I know what I did was wrong and I apologize for it. Don't kick me out please." I ask him if that's all and he looks at me surprised. "Why did you do all those things?" He looks down and blushes. "I wanted you're attention." I couldn't hear him and I made that known, "You never paid attention to me, I just wanted you to see me." I couldn't believe what I was hearing so I slapped him on impulse. "You made my junior and two years of high school miserable, and that's the reason?" He didn't say anything just looked down. Funny enough was I used to like him, but that changed for some reason during 7th grade. "I'm not gonna stoop to your level and leave you to die." He nods and we go to eat as we hear Elijah yell for us. We eat and go to bed, and a storm started outside. Me and Elijah cuddled, but we hear a knock at our door. I yell for him to go away, Elijah hits me and tells me to invite him. I open the door, I realize he was scared so I nodded. All three of us were cuddling, how nice.

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