Zombies Always Eat the Fine Ones First

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(I love Abbott Elementary)

I woke up to something soft and squishy, it was Niyah's breast. I felt myself heating up, ah shit. I try to get up, key word try. I couldn't muster the motivation to leave from something so comfortable. "Elijah, I know you're awake." God damn, was her voice always like this? "Do you want to get up, or do you want to stay?" I stay silent and snuggle more into her. She smells like cinnamon rolls. She gets up and starts our day off. After getting dressed, we plan on making a water and electric system for the house. "We should study my behavior." As soon as she said that, I realized she was still infected. I nod my head, not wanting to go any further. We decide to also start a garden in the backyard yard and fortify the house. We plan on starting tomorrow and letting today be a chill day. By this time Niyah is writing in her notebook, and I take notice in her habits. How she would bite and suck on her lip when thinking and focusing, she would be extra gentle with me when around, she wouldn't raise her voice, she would sometimes not wear a shirt, how when her hands are cold she would put them under her thighs. Speaking of thighs, they're the softest I ever felt and saw. She would be so deep in thought it she would start falling asleep, she would cuddle up to the nearest thing, she loves to wear baggy pants they sometimes ride down her waist and lays on her hips. I snap out when I feel a sudden sensation. We eat and go to the library to read. I grab my book and sit next to her on the couch. While reading, my mind goes back to Niyah. I start to wonder about her bite, why did the teacher mostly focus on her and other female classmates. I mean there was rumors about her husband cheating on her with a student. I guess they only go for the pretty ones.

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