Author's Note ( PLEASE READ!)

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"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness"                                                                                                                              - Desmond Tutu

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"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness"
                                                                                                                              - Desmond Tutu

 This story contains themes of violence and war, as well as depictions of death. Reader discretion is advised.

TW:"The Angel To Your Devil" contains depictions of violence, war, and death. There are scenes of graphic descriptions of battles between angels, humans, and demons, including physical violence and bloodshed. The story also includes themes of loss, grief, and mourning, with characters experiencing the death of loved ones. Additionally, there are instances of ableism, as one character is bullied and insulted for their physical appearance. Reader discretion is advised for those who may be sensitive to these topics.

The Angel to your DevilWhere stories live. Discover now