Chapter 7

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Anastasia's POV

I enter the Harvest with Damion and Axe flanking at a distance, so it appears I enter alone.

I walk slowly toward the fire, the eyes of every ally and the two Mal princes in the room, follow me as I unhook my coat and let it slip to the floor.

Naked and covered in jewels, I channel the power of the Jewel queen.

No matter what she was judged for, she was born into power, enslaved to it and eventually embodied it.

I let the fire warm my skin, while Damion and Axe have paused by the food, I feel their eyes on me – shocked that I am practically naked in a room full of mostly men.

I look to the two Mal princes, with concubines on their arms. New ones, they look freshly hired into the service. At least they're distracted.

"Come here," I demand the Mal princes to come to me – and they do.

The room is silent as they abandon their food and pleasure and walk toward me.

Both brothers seem a similar age but it's obvious to me right away that neither like each other. They both try to get a head of each other, before trying to dispel the look of rivalry from their expressions. They slow and stop before me, but already I have what I need.

Both Mal princes have strawberry blonde hair and hazel eyes, but their Mal tattoos of swords cover either side of their necks. A maleficent spider badge is on either of their coats, signifying their alliance with Mal customs.

"Your name?" I ask the brother with a scarred lip and down cast eyes; he has a fascination with the red jewel covering my naval.

"Sorer," he introduces himself, and I look to the older more dominant brother, whose brows twitch repeatedly with irritation at being ignored. He is interested in material. He has golden rings on every finger, a golden chain around his neck with a symbol of a naked woman dancing, hanging from the chain.

"Fanguard," the older one answers and I interrupt quickly.

"Why are you here?" I ask, quickly, looking to Sorer.

"Our condolences," Fanguard attempts to answer.

Sorer looks up at my face and his eyes are sharp, I feel right away he knows what I'm up to, so I focus back on Fanguard, changing tactic.

"That's very thoughtful of the Mal royal family to send their two princes to me," I hold out my hand to Fanguard, to kiss if he were to dare it.

He looks at it like my hand might burn him – but even so, he doesn't get a chance to try and touch me.

Damion walks over and puts himself between us, facing Fanguard, "The Ice Seer is untouchable," Damion's growl is utterly guttural with a threat – and I feel my skin shiver with the passion in his voice – and the power, the potential violence he could wield like magic. For me. Just to possess me.

"Anastasia offered her hand," Fanguard starts to smile. Damion starts to snarl.

"Crow, back off, now," I growl it and even though a small part of me wants to giggle, I abolish that ridiculous thought.

Damion steps back instantly but the look he sends me is still full of passion – and now directed at me.

Regardless, the sharp Crow holds himself well when asked.

I notice Krystoph and Rurx in the back of the hall, walking along the wall, looking through our guests' things.

"We'd like to see the Ice and your ability," Sorer speaks up now.

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