Chapter 30

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I have come to my father in the throne room, he is currently sitting with Tristen who is helping to hold counsel, while Deren and Eli are not present and are probably playing chess elsewhere.

I have told the King about my vision, seeking advice. He already knows whom I saw in the fire.

"My daughter. You saw Mirat in the fire, he is the Mal's Daemon Slayer," my father explains, with Tristen looking pale at the mention of his name, "He is very meticulous in planning. He is ageless like the Crows, but to embody Maleficence..."

"Evil intentions must flow through you," Tristen murmurs, his eyes dark as he finishes the sentence, "You must sacrifice the good full-blood mortals to Maleficence. You must break half their bones, steal one eye, drain half their blood – for the Mal spirit to be awakened, then supernatural beings are born, mortals become beasts. The Ring of Mal stays on the hand of the King. When the Ring is turned, when the Maleficence is released, it's a plague on the people. Hunger and lust is released at once. Mortals become targets of the attacks by the half-beasts. The Mal is full of vampires, werewolves, deformed witches and lame warlocks. You can be sure they are beasts when you hold up fire, one eye will be charged with purple and green fire. The colours of the Mal Kingdom are royal purple tinged with green. Soren and Fanguard were both born into royalty and royal Mal blood is immune from supernatural magic. That is why their family has always ruled. They are not Beasts. They are resistant and must protect their citizens. Clearly, their King has been replaced by Mirat."

"Mirat had purple and green eyes in the vision, both eyes, but he claimed to be full mortal," I add, "What does that mean?"

"The Mal spirit resides in him, sharing his body," Tristen explains, knowledgeable about the lore with all the books he has read and studied.

"And what is the Mal?" I ask.

"The Snake Dancer," Tristen surprises me with this, "She's a young child, with a pet snake. She is Maleficence."

"I thought she was a grown woman in the story?" I ask, "Although my memory has patches, I don't remember. I read it long ago."

"There are romanticised scripts about her, but the true Mal is just a child," Tristen is sure, "And she is pure evil."

For some reason this strange twist doesn't sit right with me. For now, I just nod.

"Before you go, Ana," my father rises from his throne, "Soren and Fanguard approached me with their offer for your hand. They want you to see the Mal Kingdom for yourself. My advice is simple – whatever you decide, daughter – bring your Crows with you, always, they are your protection," my father places his hand on my shoulder, giving it a squeeze, then pulling me in for a tight hug – almost as if he's saying goodbye.

Like he knows I'll choose to venture into the Mal Kingdom.

I had not made my mind, but for now I turn, and when I do – the throne room is silenced by the arrival of my Crows.

They're all sweating and flushed with running back here, boots tracking dirt, their hands on their belts as they glare at me.

"Ana," Damion snaps my name, "What the fuck – where –?"

"I was here the whole time, silly Crows," I roll my eyes and laugh – and the Highborn in the Court laugh too at the high energy of my Knights.

Krystoph shakes his head, narrowing his eyes. His appearance is ruffled for once and it amuses me.

Rurx is silent and just staring at me in disbelief, but soon he's glaring at Damion, who clearly led the charge out of the Kingdom for no reason.

Axe... he is lingering behind the three, he looks at me with a clenched jaw, looking guilty, knowing he caused this drama in the first place.

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