Chapter 16

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Anastasia's POV

When I leave the library, the ceremony has been prepared, the sun is setting and the castle is empty.

What felt like minutes in the Eye has turned to a few extra hours out here.

When I reach my room, I see a dress waiting for me on a coat rack.

I pick up the white dress and the thin silver chains that run around the shoulders and dangle down my arms to the bracelets that lock around my wrists.

I take it to my secret wardrobe to try it on, and it fits me perfectly.

I don't wear any undergarments this time. It's too warm now anyway.

I choose some silver slippers to match and then I quickly add some gold dust to my eyes.

I feel like I'm ready.

I didn't want to overdo it, but I could feel time slipping away.

I was the Peace.

I had to marry the Dark Prince and satisfy the daemon's lusts.

That was my job now.

At least I could look gorgeous while I did it!

This feels right, even if it's scary.

I feel my heart racing with excitement as I run out of my room and down through the empty castle, until I reach the front steps to the Cren.

Outside, I am bewildered by what I see.

The whole city is lined up quietly under the sun set, waiting for me.

I get emotional seeing the polite and eager crowd, and then I see my father waiting for me to my right.

He's dressed in all white himself, and he grins when he sees me.

In front of everyone, I don't care as I embrace him hard and then let go, slipping my hand into the crook of his arm as we start to walk into the city.

"Where is the ceremony?" I ask him, "Is it a long walk?"

"I am so proud of you, Anastasia. We are going to the beginning of the apple orchid, where you loved to ice skate on that small 'lake' – it's not frozen anymore, now it's like a big pond," my father is so happy to say that, "We'll have to build a bridge over it, won't we?"

"We must," we leave the conversation there. As we walk together, I absorb the energy of the crowd. My father is a hero. And I feel just as special.

There is intense hope in the air, like I'm the one to seal the evil out of their lives. The final puzzle piece to end our miserable mortal ways from the ice, now gifted this green paradise instead, with magic.

It now all rests on my shoulders and I'm happy for it. I always wanted to help this Kingdom in some special way, and I never knew if I could being the youngest princess with three older brothers.

Eventually I see the end of our long walk nearing. I see the apple trees, the green lush grass and sparkling pond.

I see Rurx waiting for me, his eyes thankfully not red, although I notice Damion at his side with his horns straight, his red eyes focused right on me. Krys is standing on the left to Rurx, his mortal skin intact, although his eyes flow with tendrils of silver mist. Axe is out of that hood, wearing a suit like the others, his mouth curled up in a tiny smile for me, his Soul Swiping eyes watching me as I walk toward them – as my father lets me go early.

I look back. I am perplexed as the King steps back into the crowd toward my other brothers, who are watching me part ways with Father, pride evident in their eyes.

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