Chapter 19

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Anastasia's POV

After an hour of being restrained to the bed, I'm released from the ropes and I return to my world, my reality... as a daemon. A vampire.

And my daemons did not accompany me back.

However, when I returned home, my Crows were present. Which means they had returned first.

I could see them lingering around the library and the halls, staying away from me as I marched back to my bedroom chamber and slammed the door shut, locking it fast.

It's morning and I am very awake, but it's for a different reason. I am now a monster. And my past is tainted with Mal blood. Tainted. Tainted. I was no longer just Anastasia, Princess of the Court of Cren. I was a bastard... a bastardess? Who knows.

But I stay in my hidden wardrobe, sitting on the rug, staring at my reflection. White ice hair, wispy and shoulder length, blue ice eyes... pale, almost translucent skin. I look every part to be Cren born royalty. I wonder what features of my mother I did behold? But it's not just my identity crisis plaguing me right now.

Not only am I craving blood like crazy, but my Crows are avoiding me. I wonder if it's because I am on longer the perfect Ice Seer, the perfect princess... rather, just a mistake. My father took me in out of pity, no doubt. My mother probably did die in childbirth. She was just a whore, rather than a queen.

I get a fright when there is a knock at my wardrobe door a couple of hours later.

Someone must have lock picked my chamber to get to my wardrobe.

I glare at the shut door, asking, "Who is it?"

"Me, miss."

Damion Jnr!

"Damion," I use a gentler tone, "What's wrong?"

"Your fathers and brothers want to see you."

"I'll see them later, at dinner," I dismiss the idea of confronting them now. I'm not ready.

"May I speak with you, miss?"

I can't deny the young lad his request to talk. He is too sweet and too kind. I sigh as I stand up. I had adorned a black plain dress that floated to my ankles, but constricted around my waist and went as high as my neck.

I open the door and Damion Jnr. is wearing a little uniform, grinning up at me.

"You've made your way up the ranks quite quickly," I congratulate him as I pat a hand over his shoulder, dusting off some lint, "Come with me, let's sit."

I escort him out to the couches by the bookcase and the unlit fireplace. The Cren was too hot now, no more need for fires.

As I take a seat, Damion Jnr. sits opposite me on the larger couch.

"I am Damion's squire, and now your King's messenger too," Damion Jnr grins, "I'm quick – I run quick, I know my way around the city like a hawk."

"Fantastic, I'm so proud of you," I grin.

"And I came here to thank you," Damion Jnr. looks emotional, "My mother came back. Thanks to you. Peace has been restored. Everyone is back. The streets are filled with laughter. Sunshine. Green moss! I love how soft it is. Why aren't you in the sunshine, princess?"

"I... um..." I don't know what to tell him, "I just have a lot to think about," I murmur the truth, "What are my Crows doing?"

"...they are wondering what you're doing...?" Damion Jnr. says sheepishly while glancing to the door.

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