Chapter 27

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We dress in some basic clean clothes and my Crows take me out onto the streets, until we find a cozy Inn. We're not going back to the Cren until a bit later.

The dangerous looks my Crows passed me in the steam room were quickly followed by all of them robustly laughing. It was slightly exaggerated, but I joined in and tried to keep my air of confidence.

And then off we went, looking for a dance and some good music.

Here we are, we found it.

Past midnight, getting on, most people are already in bed, but in the Carnal Inn, a fire keeps the place warm as day, a bard plays a quiet song and the adults stay up to speak in quiet corners, or drink with their friends, or kiss their lovers.

Damion, Rurx and Axe sit by the fire, drinking ale and pretending to like it.

Krystoph took my hand and led me to the dance floor. When the bard sung a sad song, Krys placed a hand around my waist and swung me around close, elegant and smooth.

I also had my share of ale and I can only smirk up at his crisp smile and curling white-blonde hair. I place a hand on his ear, touching his feather soft hair.

"I didn't know you could dance, Crow, I didn't know you loved it," I tell him.

"Only with a woman like you," Krystoph blinks softly, "You're not so bad yourself, haven't stepped on my toes yet."

"I had dancing lessons, in time with the beat, I have an air of grace, I'm not clumsy," I say it all a little bit too fast, overstating the point, so I end up drawling, "Anyway... about before? Perhaps you'd like to enlighten me... did I say the wrong thing, did I secretly upset my Crows?" I whisper this in his ear, "I was joking about the daemons. I prefer men. Not monsters."

"As you should, the daemons are shapeshifters, their true form is rather... arachnid, hairy, spindly, fangs, eight red eyes each..." I pull back from Krys while still holding onto him, my eyes widening.

"No," I say in shock, "You're joking."

"No," Krys' mouth curls up in the corner, "I would not lie to you."

"Spiders?" I whisper in a disgusted squeak, "The Cren are spiders?"

"Giant," Krys cocks a brow, "We couldn't step on them when we first fought them in battle. We fashioned long swords, you can't imagine how giant. Or maybe you can. Damion sometimes uses them. Axe made them especially for when we faced them for the first time."

"So the daemons I know, are really giant, disgusting spiders, who pretend to look like my Crows," I must visibly look a shade of green right now, "My goodness, Krystoph – thank you for telling me. I won't ever have to see that version of them, right?"

"No," Krys laughs and shakes his head, "They don't want you too scared. And they can't do much but spin you in a web and their fangs would kill you. Shapeshifting allows contact."

"Well, well... it's a relief to know they don't want to show me that side of them," I say it until I realise with a grim frown... Priscilla is still in the Eye, in their dungeon, "Priscilla."

"Tomorrow is more appropriate, Ana," Krys reassures me, "Not tonight while your strength is down. They won't harm her. They won't risk acquiring your hate. They want your affection."

"Hm..." I slowly shake my head, "I demand we train every day now, I don't want a break from learning to fight. I refuse to summon the Cren if we are capable of fighting the Mal ourselves. We have each other."

"'ve come far since we first met, stronger, wiser... among other things," Krystoph has high regard for me, I hear it.

"I am grateful to hear nice words from you, it means a lot," I kiss Krystoph quickly and lean back, my eyes heavy, "I'm oh so tired... I could fall asleep in your steady arms, my Crow."

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