Chapter 20

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Anastasia's POV

Queen of Cren!

I hear a round of applause from the Court of Cren. It's thunderous.

Only minutes earlier, everything about my tantrum felt ridiculous. The moment I stormed from my bed chamber, I was silenced by the waiting women and children, lined up and well dressed by the stairs I had approached rapidly. I had slowed down to see them all smiling at me. Waiting for me? What the -?

I had stopped in my tracks, and then they all started to walk with me, having no idea I was unaware of the occasion.

I didn't ask what was happening, but I followed, bluffing awareness. It wasn't long before my Crows exited the room, trailing the group.

Suddenly I knew why they were dressed well. It was an escort to see my father and brothers.

No one has told me why that is the case though, not even Damion Jnr.

I pretend to know what's happening by keeping my head up, and I walk with everyone back to the throne room, where the Court of Cren is utterly packed to the brim.

At my entry, every highborn man and his wife, no longer enslaved, stands and claps.

My father is at the head, at his throne, he stands with a large goblet and yells, "Queen of Cren!"

My senses burn, overwhelmed by the amount of noise and celebration I am receiving in a sudden burst from all around me.

Through the air, no longer cold and chilling everyone to the bone, is a sense of warm hope.

I see Tristin with his lover, Priscilla, at his side, dressed in a purple gown. Miracles everywhere, and everyone was pinning it on me?

Eli and Deren used to hate each other but they stand shoulder to shoulder, grinning as I approach, dressed in purple tuxedos.

I look over my shoulder as my Crows linger back by the walls as they let me approach the King to receive the news.

Everyone goes quiet as I stand before my father, my eyes clearly full of questions.

"Anastasia," he says my name with love, "Queen of Cren. Remember all those books you used to read? Warriors and queens, married to the dark. Queen of the dark, or of the monsters. I am King of the people, the kingdom. But you are Queen of the Cren. You understand me, daughter?" I was not in charge of the land or the kingdom... just the monsters. I understand. He steps away from the throne to give me the goblet. I take it and I see it's full of blood.

"Where is this from?" I whisper.

"Donated, as it will be every day, don't worry, it's willing, love – drink it and I'll explain why."

I trust the confidence in my father's voice.

I down all the blood because my fangs are starting to stretch in my gums just at the smell of it. I drink it all quickly and it tastes like sweet honey. My blood feels satisfied after I hand him back the goblet. At least my underlying temper and impatience immediately subsides.

I nearly jump out of my skin when a handkerchief wipes over my lips. Rurx had snuck up behind me and helped me clean my chin and face, just in case there was any left over.

I give him a quick look of thanks and he remains stoic and quiet before my family. Rurx in his white suit, me in the black, it feels like we match anyway. So at least there is that.

"What now?" I ask my father, nervous.

With a gulp, the King coughs, fist thumping on his chest as he clears his voice to speak to the whole court.

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