Chapter 48

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There was a weird feeling of numbness as I heard a whoop of joy from Becky, a celebratory cry that signaled her happiness at my triumph. I vaguely felt another, harder pat on the back and dimly heard Jenna congratulating me. I could feel my pulse pounding in my head, every part of me wanted nothing more than to jump to my feet and shout 'YES!' as loudly as I could. Unfortunately, there were two things that were preventing me from doing so. 

Firstly, I'm sure it's not the done thing in a VIP section of a tent when you're surrounded by your employers; and secondly, I couldn't actually feel my legs right at that moment.

"Ladies and gentlemen, with a time of one minute and forty four seconds and one penalty; Mr James Porter of Secure365. A round of applause for Mr Porter please, for a fine defense of his title."

The speakers blared out the result, confirming what the screens had displayed. The camera changed to the results table, my name still in first place, James slipping into the table immediately below me. I had no idea how the scores were worked out, and frankly I didn't care; the five points that separated us were clear and, barring that miracle round, no one else could catch me.

"Well done, Freen," I heard Rob say from his seat next to Jenna, "I knew you could do it." He leaned across his wife and cuffed me on the arm with one of his ham sized fists in congratulations.

"Looks like I'd better get my cheque book ready."

"There are still other competitors Mr Armstrong, I haven't won yet."

"Well, I don't know about that," James' drawl cut through my mental fog. "I'd say it's just a matter of time, Blondie. I'd start preparing your speech, if you haven't already. I sure hope I get a mention at least."

I turned to look at him, he looked as cocky as ever, but I could see the pain of disappointment in his eyes. He really did want this and once again I felt like a fraud.

"Congratulations, Blondie," he said extending his hand to me. To my surprise as I took it, he dragged me from my seat and wrapped me up in a bear hug; lifting me from my feet easily and spinning me around. "Fucking well done girl, you've done us proud!"

"I had you beat though, girl," he whispered as he put me down once more, his lips to my ear so no one else could hear him. "I had you beat right the way up to that last target."

"Don't tell me," I whispered back, my stomach falling. My brain was telling me that it was obvious what he'd done, throwing the round at the end to gift me the win. "You didn't, you made me promise, James."

"Oh no Blondie, you beat me fair and square," he replied releasing me and speaking normally. "I saw my name up there in lights at the end and wasn't paying attention; you know how it goes, lose focus and someone gets hurt or killed. I lost focus today and I lost, simple as that. Looks like dinner is on me tomorrow night."

"Dinner sounds like a great idea," I heard Rob bellow from behind me. "I think a celebration for Freen's win here today is in order."

I caught Becky's eye as I sat down, a wry look shared between us at the thought of yet another Armstrong family get together. The last thing I wanted to do was spend the evening putting on a front; in fact, the only thing I really wanted to do right now was climb into the pool at the hotel to wind down and then spend an hour or five in their Jacuzzi letting the bubbling water ease out the kinks.

"I think I'll have to take a rain check there, Rob," James said quickly. "I'll be honest with you, this afternoon has took a chunk out of me and all I want to do is head back to my hotel and hit the showers. Maybe spend the evening wondering what might have been, you know?"

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