Chapter 49

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So sorry for the late update guys. Been busy with work this past month. 

Anyway, here it is. Enjoy reading.:)


I slumped back into the plush, business class, seat and closed my eyes. Next to me, Becky was already dozing away, her head cushioned by the head rest. We were taking a late afternoon flight out of New York, so we could be back in London before midnight. We nearly didn't make our gate; after what was supposed to be a brief stopover to meet up for her mother and the infamous Colin for lunch turned into a longer event that expected.

Colin turned out to be a really nice guy, and his, and Jenna's, openness surprised me; he was also very comfortable with Becky and I got the impression that she liked him.

So lunch turned into lunch and drinks, and I was forced to almost drag her away so we could make our flight; even their farewells taking a worrying amount of time. We made it to our check in with about a minute to spare and, after the usual security palaver and the endless waiting around, we had made it onto the plane and I could finally relax.

 "It's all going to change now though isn't it?" Becky asked, as I opened my eyes from my light doze, never really achieving proper sleep; my new found fear of flying surfacing again the second we sat down.

"What's going to change?" I asked easing my arm forward to take her hand, being careful not to disturb her head.

"This, us, everything," she replied cryptically, sighing into me.. "It's going to have to change isn't it? We're not on holiday any more."

"We haven't been on holiday, Bec," I reminded her, resting my head on hers. "We've been working from the moment we landed."

"It felt like a holiday, Freenky. Despite all that stress I've been really happy. It's been nice being around you."

"You make it sound like I'm going somewhere," I said nudging her gently. "You planning on firing me?"

"You wish," she said lifting our hands and kissing my fingers. "No, it's more that we'll be back to Miss fucking Armstrong again, you'll be being all professional again and I'll be back to being a bitch all the time."

"Just like the last week, love," I reminded her again. "Look, we were doing ok before we left England, what makes you think it'll be different when we get back?"

"Because I'll be stuck at work and you'll be going straight from dropping me off to Joanna's again and then back to your flat."

"That's pretty much the size of things, Bec, but we managed to make time to see each other outside of work before. It's not as if I need an excuse to be with you when you go somewhere, is it? Twenty-four-seven protection and all that."

"Yeah," she replied thoughtfully, "It's just that I keep thinking that I'm going to be so busy over the next few months that we won't get to see each other properly, not outside of work and weekends anyway; and I do like having you around, you know. I really don't want to go back to sleeping alone. I like curling up with you, I like waking up with you next to me."

"You soppy bastard," I said grinning, shifting on my seat to wrap my arm around her, pushing down the blind on the window as I reached around.

"You love it, it makes me the same as you, we've already established that."

"That's what you think, but it doesn't change the fact that you're still a soppy bastard," I told her getting a light elbow for my troubles as our drinks arrived; Bec sitting up, but for some reason not letting me have my arm back, pinning it around her shoulders by sitting back.

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