Chapter 60

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A couple of minutes later, Becky was waving at me frantically, and demanding that I pull over into a small lay-by at the side of the road.

"Why?" I asked as she pointed towards the side of the road.

"Because I want to show you my surprise properly," she replied excitedly. "You're going to love it, especially now."

"Now?" I asked as I pulled to a halt and yanked on the handbrake. "What's so special about now?"

"You'll see," she said enigmatically; reaching into her bag and pulling out a scarf. "Or rather you won't, not until I'm ready for you to see it anyway."

"You've got to be kidding," I said incredulously as I realized what she meant. "No way!"

"Freenky, please," Becky said with a smile, "indulge me?"

"Oh, alright then if it means that much to you," I said turning off the engine. "But if I break my leg, you're carrying me to the bloody hospital."

Moments later, the world was dark, and I was being led down what felt like a woodland floor, all ferns and bits of bark underfoot, catching in my trainers. With my sight taken away, I instinctively allowed my other senses to take over. I could feel a cool breeze drifting past my face, a faint smell of damp grass that was only slightly obscured by the scent of Becky's perfume as she led me through the woods down to what smelt like water.

"This will be perfect," I heard her say as my brain tried to process the myriad of things it was getting from the environment around us. I could tell we were in a clearing of sorts, the sound subtly different to how it had been as we walked. I could smell and hear the sound of water and wind and blissful, blissful silence.

Wherever the hell we were, I could feel myself relaxing, wherever we were I knew it was going to be good.

"Ready, baby?" Becky said her hands on my hips shuffling me around.

"Whenever you are," I replied taking a deep breath.

"Close your eyes then, love," she whispered, her hands reaching up to remove the blindfold. "No peeking now."

"No peeking, Bec," I promised with a laugh as the improvised blindfold was removed from my eyes and her arms slipped around my waist.

"You can open your eyes now, Freenky."

Slowly, I did just that, blinking slightly as I found I was staring into the evening sun, being carefully positioned by Bec to ensure that I would get that "perfect" view. As she hugged me from behind, I tried to take in the sight she had presented me with. We were stood at the head of a small lake, or 'loch' as I should probably call it given where we were, the sun was beginning to set over the far end, sinking down towards some tree covered hills. It was, quite simply, stunning.

"Wow," I managed to say, the word totally unsatisfactory for the view. "It's beautiful."

"Do you like it?" Becky asked as she snuggled herself impossibly further into my back. "This is where we're going to spend the week. I thought it would be nice to get away from it all, somewhere secluded you know? Private."

"Yeah, I like it," I murmured as I spotted the cabin that was nestled against the shoreline, set back slightly amongst the trees. "I like it a lot."

"I'm glad," she said with a relieved sounding sigh, "'cause it's a pretty long drive to anywhere else if you hate it."

"I don't hate it," I said turning around and slipping my arms around her, "I don't hate it at all."

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