Chapter Four: A Memory To Erase

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"Why of all the sudden, are you wanting to drop this on me out of nowhere?! I have no time!" Rouge said grabbing her stuff, "your lowly servant's do!" Shadow snapped at Rouge, she hesitated looking up at him, "why can't you just take her to that new place you built at the-"

"Because that's my, home! Not some place I'll babysit for her to ruin aga-" Shadow stopped, thinking of that dumb memory that came in two days ago. "Ruin again? Seems you remember something," Rouge said finished up packing her stuff to go see Amy at the hospital, "I won't take care of her, she's none of my concern nor is she useful, she's practically useless because she's blind!" 

Knuckles growled from the doorway, "Shadow!" Rouge hurried to Knuckles side, "come on, we have more important things to deal with, how about we talk to Tikal?" Rouge redirected Knuckles out and left Shadow there at her office. Shadow gripped his fist, he knows Amy isn't useless, she's just distracting. 

At the beginning, he thought she'd be easy to handle, but with these unwanted events he doesn't want that much attention drawn to him. Shadow sighed leaving the building again. 

"Hey, Shadow!" Turning on his heel he looked over to Cream, "here these are for you," Shadow grabbed the papers out of Creams out before hurrying out, "I forgot I had these missions.." Shadow sighed throwing them into the trash.

He headed home trying to make twist and turns there so no one was following him. "Finally..." Shadow sighed with relief heading inside, it was a small place just for him alone. He built it after he burned out his first house he built. Thinking of that memory makes him want to claw his heart out. 

Even now knowing that Amy was once there makes it worse.

"Okay, it'll be quick." Shadow grabbed his sniper putting it in his bag along with his favorite pistols before heading out ready to handle the jobs he was assigned to.

[At the Hospital]

Rouge fixed up the flowers next to Amy as she rested, "Rouge you should be kinder to Shadow." Rouge looked over to Knuckles in disbelief, "why? When have you ever cared about how I treat people?"

"Because he's working the hardest out of anyone! Sonic hasn't even come close to Amy, the entire time he gave up and hooked up with Sally and everyone else just moved on as Shadow was the only one at your side willing to keep looking... Even as he forgets he's wandering the city aimlessly, not knowing why." Rouge held her own hand feeling her eyes burn from the tears about to creep out.

She remembered the nights she couldn't sleep because she thought of Amy there in her dress, excited to get wed to the man she's been dying to marry for ages. The look on her face when she caught Sally with him at their own wedding... Rouge shook her head gritting her teeth, "I wish I stopped her..." Knuckles pulled Rouge into his arms holding her as she wept. "Excuse me." Knuckles and Rouge looked up to see Vanilla, she was holding more flowers to bring Amy, "Ms. Vanilla!" Rouge hurried up wiping her tears away. "Oh please, you don't have to be polite especially in these times of days," Vanilla walked over placing the new flowers down on the other table matching with the ones across. 

"She loved these flowers, I remembered she ordered allot of them for the wedding." Rouge lowered her head, "I'm glad she has friends who care about her even now." Vanilla smiled at them both before leaving, allowing Rouge to cry even more.

[Amy's POV]

I wished they knew I wasn't a sleep, I assumed if they thought me sleeping wouldn't just make them come in and sit next to me. I felt my inner being screaming at me to move and fake to be waking up or something but when Vanilla came in and said that, I didn't want to talk to them.

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