Chapter Nine: The Hatred

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[Narrators POV]

Shadow finished cleaning up before opening the front door to see Mephiles, "what are you doing here?" Shadow said annoyed watching as Mephiles barges in without permission, "why can't I come to check on my little brother?" Mephiles said looking around the place before sitting at the counter. "I've come to talk about your absence." Shadow ignored him walking to the fridge grabbing a bottle of water, "what about it?" Shadow questioned handing Mephiles one, but he just shook his head. "Maria misses you... And you missed 2 of our family gatherings." Shadow only rolled his eyes at Mephiles fake cares.

"I'm sure you didn't need me there, I'm sure it wasn't too important." Shadow sat across from Mephiles trying to keep his distance, "Actually it was about your dear Maria, someone donated a great sum for Maria's recovery that even Blaze took part in it, we might be able to get Maria to go outside again, but we needed her 'caretaker' there but sadly you weren't." Mephiles explained sliding paperwork to Shadow, "you might think half of those meetings aren't important but sometimes they are." Shadow sighed drinking his water getting annoyed with Mephiles. "Also, I want to bring up about this sudden noise that's been disturbance around Blaze." Shadow choked on his water hearing this, "uh." Shadow coughed clearing his throat.

"Amy Rose, is been said every where for the past 6 months and went quiet for the last 2, I'm curious on what this ruckus is all about." Mephiles said staring at Shadow not breaking eye contact, the tension in the room rose as he said Amy's name. "She's just a girl who went missing and popped up. That's it." Shadow said tossing his water to the side, "well, I also heard she's been running around causing issues for my dear little brother." Shadow glared at Mephiles.

"Is this all you wanted?" Shadow said walking over to the front door, "if so, you should go! I'm sure the others would be happy to answer your questions." Shadow had enough of Mephiles company for the day, "sure, I'm sorry. I'll take my leave now." Mephiles said leaving the paperwork on the counter before walking out. "Dear brother... Visit Maria soon, she misses you." Shadow froze wanting to slam the door into Mephiles face, "goodbye for now." Mephiles left and in seconds vanished. 

"Dammit." Shadow growled slamming the door furious. "Why does he always show up when I don't want him to?!" Shadow said punching the wall. 

Meanwhile with Amy, she was currently at Silvers place, she was sitting in the guest room a bit confused. "Amy, you comfortable?" Silver knocked on the door before walking in, she nodded as a reply, lost in her thoughts of why she was here. "I'm glad, I brought home some flowers for you to decorate the house with and bought more sweets because I heard woman like sweet things." Silver explained feeling proud of himself.

Amy looked at him a bit surprised before getting up, "come! I'll show you!" Silver said grabbing Amy's hand rushing her to the living room where there was bunch of boxes and bags, "I know it's cluttered but it'll be alright, by the time you head on back with Shadow it'll be out of here." Even though Silver sounded happy about her staying she could hear a hint of loneliness, "and Blaze?" Amy questioned going to the boxes pulling out different types of decoration. "...She doesn't like coming here, Sonic and her... While you were gone had a moment.. And, anyway! Let's finish everything up.." Silver said trying to change the subject, Amy watched him as he helped her with the decorations, putting more plants and cleaning up some paint to cleaning things thoroughly. 

As time passed, Amy wasn't sure why she was still there, maybe it was Shadow finally breaking it off with her. "What did he mean I didn't love Shadow?" Amy questioned turning to look at Silver who was covered in paint. "Huh?" 

"Well.. The hedgehog I saw that I told you guys about... He said I didn't love Shadow," Amy frowned putting the brush back into a bucket. "Hmm... Who else have you told?" Silver asked kneeling in front of Amy intrigued by her sudden question. "Cream, I told her about it but she only said I was selfish! I only care about myself!" Amy snapped hiding her anger.

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