Chapter Seven: Feelings Fade

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Shadow woke up in the middle of the night, he didn't know why but this weird feeling crept on his back so he slowly got up trying not to wake up Amy from her slumber, "..." Shadow walked out going into the kitchen to see the vile Blaze gave him, "... I can't." Shadow said sitting down covering his face with his hands, the thought of making her lose her memories made his heart sink. He wished he knew how she got cursed or that she was cursed at all!

"If... If I do it, will she still be..." He looked over to the photos Rouge put up of Amy, even though he was in only two he was still confused on how he was even there when he has no memory of it at all for those photos. "Will she forget me?" Shadow bit his lip losing himself in thought. "She won't be mine." Shadow paused realizing what he just said, his gaze darted towards Amy's room hoping she wasn't there...

She wasn't. He sighed with relief deciding to finally stop being in his thoughts he stood up sighing with disgust of his own desires. Shadow walked out of the cabin ready to just drive around so he could cool his head but stopped seeing someone coming up from the trees, "who's there?" Shadow yelled out, they walked up before stopping in front of him.

"Why-" Shadow froze seeing his brother along with Maria in a wheelchair, "why are you-" Shadow said growing angry, "she can't be out here! She'll-" Shadow stopped seeing Maria raise her hand to stop him from saying anything more. "Shadow..." Maria's voice echoed in his head making him kneel down as Mephiles his brother brought Maria closer, "he's caught me up on why you haven't visited me.. And I see you are in a lot of pain." Shadow balled his hands into a fist, "I want you to be happy." Maria said with a sad smile. 

Shadow looked up to Maria seeing Mephiles staring quietly, "so.. Do what makes you happy." Maria reached over about to pat his head, "No!" Shadow said swinging his arm up to smack her hand away but as soon as it made contact she disappeared.


Shadow looked down to his hand seeing a red mark suddenly appear, "what the hell?!" The mark crept up his arm slowly going onto his chest before staying. Shadow kept touching the mark thinking it'd disappear which it didn't making him panic more as he clawed at it hoping it'd come off. "Shadow?!" 

Snapping out of his panic he looked over at the cabin hearing Amy calling out to him, he looked back to the mark which was gone.. But it still felt as if it was there, the weird feeling he felt when he woke up was stronger than before. "Shadow?!" Shadow hurried up running back to the cabin to see Amy next to the counter, "Amy..." Shadow said walking up to her, she hurried into his arms shaking, "I... I had a bad dream and then you weren't here." Amy trembled in his arms, he hasn't seen her have a nightmare in a while. "I'm sorry, I'll be there next time..." Amy noticed Shadow's words sounded distant as if he was in another world.

"Shadow, did something happen?" Amy asked reaching up to his face making him look at her, Shadow stared surprised, the terrible feeling appeared again and he clenched his chest backing away from Amy. "Shadow?!" Amy rushed over trying to help but he brushed her away, "no! Leave me alone!" Shadow said groaning in pain.

Amy stared shocked, her vision becoming suddenly clearer, she could see this mark on Shadow's chest seeping through his back. "Shadow! You can't!" Amy began to cry.

Amy knew what was happening, Shadow is finally remembering his love for Amy, small visions came in his head of him an Amy.

One in a snowy day, one in a flower field, one with roses and kisses and hugs, it hurt... He was in pain remembering these moments, so far he's been remembering his friendship with her but now it's more. "Shadow please!" Amy sobbed grabbing him trying to make him look at her not realizing this was a mistake as soon as he looked up seeing her cry. He remembered.

Blinded Smell {Shadamy} {REWRITTEN}Where stories live. Discover now