Chapter Ten: Greed of the Heart

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{Amy's POV}

At first it was to mess with Sonic, I noticed Sonic would always get upset whenever I got close to anyone but him. So when Shadow started popping up I acted like I didn't recognize him and called him Sonic at first, I knew Shadow hated it, he despised Sonic after all.

Yet I continued to do it until the hugs I gave Shadow became warmer and sweeter, I even started looking for Shadow purposely thinking it was the only way Shadow would acknowledge me.  Sonic got jealous just what I wanted but it felt so ingenuine, I think he got more jealous whenever it was Shadow, he didn't care so much with others.

I wanted to know why, I wanted to know more about Shadow, he was always on his own or hanging out with Rouge, "Amy." When he said my name for the first time I swear I could see colors again, he started coming to me first and talking to me, he listened to me talk non-stop about Sonic and the things that went on.

He made me feel happy to the point I forgotten about Sonic for a while, but I didn't know while I was busy with Shadow, Sonic was busy with Sally. When the day came where Shadow found out how I felt, I was happy to hear he felt the same but I couldn't let go of Sonic! I've loved Sonic since I was a child and I looked up to him, yet how could my heart sway with a hedgehog that looks just like him? 

"Amy." His voice started sounding softer every time, but I continued to call him Sonic, if I said his name just as sweet, I'm afraid to learn I caught feelings.

Finally Sonic finally noticed me more when I started dating Shadow, I was happy but also sad, it took me to be with someone for Sonic to love me? Even though I spend my days with Shadow I kept thinking of Sonic who kept popping up wherever we went. When my birthday was coming up Sonic confessed and I chose him.

I got with Sonic and not even a year went by and he asked me to marry him right away. Yet the entire time I felt this heavy weight in my chest telling me to say no with Sonic, no to marrying him, no to his confession. 

It wasn't because I loved him, I think I wanted to be with someone perfect like Sonic, able to save everyone, someone everyone can depend on. 

I, never knew no matter how great the person is was never what we wanted. We desired it we wanted the perfect guy but there is no such thing and if there was it wasn't cut out to be, he'd be out of our league, or we'd have expectations on us to be just as great. With Shadow I could be myself, he was perfect for me.

Perfect when I could be myself, perfect as in he'd never care what others thought and understood my pain. 

I gave that up, greed of the heart tends to never heal the soul. 

"Who are you?" I was so focused on my memories of Shadow I looked over to where he laid asking of who I was. I frowned realizing he forgot so quickly, "I.. I'm-"

"Excuse me, you need to go." I glanced toward the doctors voice, "wait he just-"

"We need to ask him a few questions you'll need to step out." I gulped standing up and finding my way out of the room. "Amy," I reached out hearing Sonic's voice, he grabbed my hands pulling me into his arms. "I'm sorry about Shadow.. He should be okay, it seems whatever scars he has on his body reopened?" Sonic explained confused, but I knew what he was talking about the curse... It's killing him because he forgot again.

"Amy what's going on?" I didn't know how to feel, "Amy, you can tell me anything I'm here for you." Sonic said holding me tighter. 

"Excuse me!" I turned to Shadow hearing him at the doorway, I wish I could see what face he was making right now. "What was your name?" Shadow's voice sounded in pain, "Amy." Sonic answered for me before pulling me away, "wait Sonic! I have to talk to Shadow." I heard Sonic scoff, "why? I don't understand why you want to be with him! Stay with me Amy everything will be okay." I felt a chill go down my spine when I remembered what Mephiles said, he granted Sonic's wish.

Blinded Smell {Shadamy} {REWRITTEN}Where stories live. Discover now