Chapter Eight: Request

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Amy's POV (Memory)

It was cold, the feeling of rain fell on my face as I couldn't see, "Amy?" I heard a familiar voice off in the distance. I didn't want to see anyone, not after what happened with Sonic and Sally... "Amy, I'm sorry." That alone let me know who was next to me now, it was Sally. I looked at where she could be standing and glared, "I know you and Sonic were about to get wedded.. But I couldn't see him with you I had to tell him how I feel, it's just..." Sally didn't know what to say.

"I hate you.." Is all I could mutter, "really? You hate me? I told you I loved Sonic and got you with Shadow! And you know what you did?! You got with Sonic to get wed off in a month relationship!" Sally snapped at me, I could hear the frustration in her voice. "I thought you could move on but you seeing him with me- why can't you not be selfish?!" Sally yelled.

I glare at her getting off the ground, I was soaked from the rain to the point my dress was too heavy to  keep standing but I ignored it. "Selfish!? All I wanted was to be happy and this was it! But you couldn't just let him go!" I tried to shove her but missed completely.

"Amy?" I looked toward her, "you.. You can't see?" Sally said grabbing my hand, I reached over to smack her but she grabbed my other, "what happened?" Sally's voice didn't sound concerned but happy, "Sally?" I got wary, hearing her sudden excitement, "if I get you out of the way... Then Sonic will end up with me." 

I tried pulling away but wherever I stepped I felt as if I could fall, it's like all my senses went with my sight. "Amy, you don't understand, I can be with Sonic! I can make him happy!" Sally shoved me down, the cold wet grass brushing my face made my nose tingle. "I know where to put you, no one can help you..." Sally's joy felt so overwhelming, I didn't know how to react other than struggle. But she dragged me to that Cabin.

Caged me inside and continued to visit me whenever I ran out of things, as I was stuck there I thought about my wish. I wished for him to forget his love for, but at what cost? I can't see him anymore, I didn't mind him forgetting but my sight to see him made me feel more pain.

How do I break this curse? I don't even know, if he were to remember would it break? My head filled with question after question and as the years went by It felt like a dream. I dreamt of being with Shadow again, I forgotten about Sonic. 

It was all of Shadow.

Was this my desire? To be away from him? 

At some point Sally stopped coming back and I couldn't get out of the room, "Sally!" I called out clawing at the door to be let out but there wasn't anything. I cried out.

But no one came.

At some point It felt like I lost my mind, voices were heard but there wasn't anyone there, I even started talking to them as if it was someone. One day it got overbearing, I was starving... Everything hurt and it was hard to move and that voice... It kept laughing and laughing at me that I couldn't stand it anymore so I grabbed a vase throwing it at it which turned out I threw it at a window. It was quiet and all I could hear was rain.

I walked over ignoring the shattered glass and climbed through, the smell of rain reminded me of what happened, it was the last thing I saw was Shadow laying in the grass, I didn't know years have passed but I didn't care. I walked out but stopped realizing, I don't know where I am and I can't get out without a fight but I hungry, I turned back finding my way back in through the front and started my new life.

I started fending for myself and eating whatever was left in the fridge, I tried cooking but it was hard enough I couldn't see I kept getting hurt. I couldn't do anything but eat what was edible to me. 

Blinded Smell {Shadamy} {REWRITTEN}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant