|chapter three: coffee date|

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As the end of our school day was coming closer with every ticking minute I was getting more and more nervous, practicing what I'll say in my head

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As the end of our school day was coming closer with every ticking minute I was getting more and more nervous, practicing what I'll say in my head. 'So, you heard the rumours?' I'll ask. 'Yeah, and I want to say, I'm sorry, but you're not my type,' he'll reply. 'Good, because the rumours weren't true, I just said I have a crush as a joke, I'm aroace,' I'll tell him and we'll laugh about it all good. Unless his reply is: 'Yeah, I've heard the rumours and I like you back,' he'll say with a smile and leans in to kiss me, I start panicking, or I won't because I'm preparing myself for said outcome. 'It isn't actually true, I don't like you like that,' I'll quickly say and he'll look at me. 'What? Are you toying with my feelings? What is wrong with you!' he'll yell and then he'll kill me in a split second that I won't even be able to tell how or what happened-

I was cut off from my thoughts by the bell, there it goes. This can either go decently good or terribly wrong. Dylan joined me and Matt walking to our lockers, neither of us said anything except for Matt glaring at Dylan, I felt so awkward. After putting on my sneakers and jacket I picked my bag from the floor and saw Dylan already waiting for me, he gave me a smile. I didn't see my friends anywhere, so I decided they must have already left, so I just walked behind Dylan. With what I think of him this doesn't sound like a great idea, not even a neutral idea, it's straight up bad idea, but apparently I am suicidal, I'm not, but if I was to die at any point, I probably wouldn't mind, you could say I don't really care about death, if I die I die, if not then not, don't care. We walked into a coffee shop, Dylan ordered and payed then we went to take a seat with our coffees and chocolate cake pieces.

"I noticed you like chocolate, so I got this. That okay?" he asked, I just nodded unsurely.

"Just to be clear, this is a date or not?" I asked quietly, worried to say something wrong.

"Not really, why? Would you want it to?" Dylan asked, his lips curling into a playfull smile, I just rolled my eyes at that.

"No, I just assumed someone told you something about the rumours and that's why you asked me here," I explained just by the way, he seemed interested.

"What rumours? I haven't heard any, and now I'm curious," Dylan smiled, connecting his hand and placing his chin on top. I took another sip of my iced coffee.

"Once I said as a joke that I went to the fashion show to see you, instead of Matt because Piper said that we were only there for Matt, and then somehow they made it me having a crush on you, which I don't, just to clarify. But for a while I rolled with it for the kicks, so I was scared you found out and this was about that, but I'm glad it's not," I said, taking another sip of my drink, shooting Dylan a small smile.

"Oh, so you don't have a crush," Dylan faked a sad smile, I again rolled my eyes.

"On you, no. And anyone else either," I replied, cutting the piece of cake with a fork as I was already hungry.

"Well, but I do. Don't worry, it's not you," Dylan joked with a laugh.

"Oh no, how will I deal with that?" I said sarcastically, Dylan laughed again.

"Can you be serious or nice for that matter?" he asked, I shrugged.

"Apparently I did once, but since everyone is fake I'm just being honest, maybe more than I should, but I don't care, people will either like me with all my flaws and opinions or not at all, I give zero fucks. The only people who's opinions I care about are Piper, Matt and Evelyn and my roommates 'cause I don't want them to kick me out," I explained, making Dylan let out a laugh in disbelieve.

"You truly are something else, Spencer Leclair," Dylan shook his head, making me shrug again.

"I guess, and I prefer Spence," I said, eating a piece of the cake from my fork.

"Well, back to why I invited you here in the first place," Dylan started, taking a breath.

"Not because you wanted to buy me food and coffe, and get dissed by a two year younger child?" I asked with even bigger dose of sarcasm, only getting a look from Dylan that made me laugh slightly, he rolled his eyes.

"I'm starting to think I asked the wrong person," Dylan let out.

"Only starting to think?" I asked with another laugh, recieving another Dylan-glare. "Okay, sorry. Go on, I'll keep quiet," I raised my hands in surrender and to keep my word, I put another piece of cake in my mouth.

"Okay, so.. I kinda have a crush on your friend," Dylan finally was able to say, I gestured with my hands for him to continue as I was still munching my cake. "It's Matthew," Dylan admitted, making me point at him in victory as I swallowed the last piece in my mouth.

"I knew you were a little fruity!" I said as if just winning a lottery, feels great to be right.

"What?" Dylan asked in confusion.

"Just today we were talking about wheter you like girls or boys, and I said both, while they all said 'just girls' like it's possible to be straight at art school," I rolled my eyes, "I mean, Piper and Evelyn are, or claim to be, but that's besides the point. You just look bi, it's the typical 'I look and I see' for me," I clarified, leaving Dylan staring at me wide-eyes at what just left my mouth. Yep, sometimes I should keep my mouth shut. "Sorry, go on," I quickly apologized.

"Well, I'm kinda scared of you right now," Dylan admitted, I just let out a laugh.

"Ironic 'cause I'm scared of you since day one," I said and we both kinda shrugged with a laugh.

"No, but seriously now.. or little less sarcastic. I asked you to come to tell you because you're closest with him, help me," Dylan continued.

"Why can't you just tell him? Like come up to him and ask him out, like you did with me," I suggested.

"I can't do that, he hates me," Dylan sighed, I let out annoyed sigh.

"Ugh, you people with need for romance. How do you expect me to help you, then?" I asked, kinda irritated, so I took another sip of my coffee to try to calm down.

"I dunno, maybe try convincing him I'm not so bad, please," Dylan suggested.

"Fine, I'll do my best to get you two together, but I want free coffee from now on," I stated, handing Dylan my hand to shake.

"Coffee and snacks if you want, just help me with this and I owe you forever," Dylan said, thankfully taking a hold of my hand.

"It's settled then, are you gonna finish that cake?" I asked, gesturing at the untouched piece in front of Dylan, he shoved it over the table to me. "Thanks," I shot him a smile.

~two updates in one day? shocking, i know, but dont get used to it, I'll probably be posting barely ever, if lucky once a week.
also a question: should i add more drama by adding a new character (I briefly mentioned said character before, but shall I make them important to the story)? I'm thinking I should, but let me know what you think.
- Sanny<3 

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