|chapter fourteen: red|

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As expected, the next day Viviana's friends were at my throat, asking why did I want to get her expelled, no matter how many times I explained how she wanted to have me expelled, they didn't seem to believe me, I didn't care

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As expected, the next day Viviana's friends were at my throat, asking why did I want to get her expelled, no matter how many times I explained how she wanted to have me expelled, they didn't seem to believe me, I didn't care. I kept on hanging out with Matt, Piper, Evelyn and ocassionally Dylan. It was a normal school morning and I was sitting at my seat at the back of the class, drawing in my notebook as Dylan walked over, sitting in front of me at my dest, I looked up with a questioning look.

"So, you asked him yet?" Dylan asked with a smile.

"I'm trying, but he keeps on denying it. We'll get there," I answered, he just nodded.

"I read your book, by the way. You've got talent, ever thought of writing something original?" he asked, I nodded.

"I've been thinking of a story, so far I'm still working on world building and characters," I replied with a smile. Dylan smiled back.

"I also heard Viviana is planning revenge on you for nearly getting her expelled," Dylan coninued.

"I was expecting that, but she nearly got expelled because of her own doing, I didn't do anything but said the truth, that's all," I replied with a shrug.

"Sounds about correct, what are you gonna do about it? You won't just leave it, will you?" Dylan asked.

"I never get involved in stuff, you should know," I said with a smile, giving a glare to Viviana, "also I may have accidentally tell Viviana we're dating," I added kinda awkwardly.

"Accidentaly?" Dylan asked with a raised brow, I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe I did it to annoy her, but it rather just slipped," I shrugged.

"Okay, then maybe we should act up on your lie," Dylan joked with a smirk.

"No, and if you ever say something similiar again, we're over and we aren't even together," I said strictly.

"Do you really hate the idea of dating so much?" Dylan asked, more seriously.

"Relationships usually don't last, and I'm a socially awkward being and I don't know how to be serious, not to mention that I can't even imagine myself even kissing another human being, let alone something else, nor I ever had a crush. I don't hate the idea of dating, unless it's about me," I explained with a monotone voice, Dylan just nodded in confusion.

"What would you do if someone did like you like that, though?" Dylan asked after processing what I said.

"I would rather if no one did, but if that ever happened, I'd have to turn them down," I sighed, Dylan just nodded.

"Wouldn't you be afraid of destroying your relationship between you?" Dylan asked, I shrugged.

"They'll get over it and we can stay friends if they'd like," I explained with a slight sight of confusion in my voice, "Why? Do you know about someone?" I asked with worry.

"No, I was just wondering. I mean, I like girls and guys alike, so I can't imagine not feeling like that about anyone, it seems weird," Dylan explained.

"Oh, well I can't elaborate on that, however I could explain my fantasy world's characters," I said with a smile, turning my sketchbook to face him.

"Sure, I love hearing your ideas," Dylan smiled, taking the sketchbook from me.

"And I love talking about them," I replied before going full into detail of my ideas for my characters.

The rest of the day went by normally and eventually I got back to my dorm room, doing my homework and school stuff for a while. Soon I found out Viviana had been spreading rumours about me at dorms too, even amongst the housekeepers, unless given prove they didn't act upon it, but they were suspectant. There lit up an idea in my head, I left to the shop and bought bleach along with other items I usually buy, not the hair bleach, the regular one. According to my plan I passed Viviana and her roommates in the lockers at the dorms. Things were working out for me recently, weird, but not that I complain. Viviana's room keys weren't within the housekeepers, so her room must be unlocked, I knocked before entering just in case, no one was inside, so I walked into their bathroom and quickly found Viviana's shampoo, she still uses the same brand as when she lived with me, so there was another easy thing for me. I poured some of the bleach inside her shampoo, there was bigger chance of me getting caught doing this, but I was thinking about this for way too long to pass the oportunity when I finally got it, I left the room and on the way back to mine I passed no one, so if I'm lucky nobody saw me and tomorrow at class I will have a good laugh.

My plan turned to work out as the next day Viviana walked in class, wearing a beanie over her head, I could be evil and find a way to take it off or just leave it. I didn't have to think for long as Piper had decided for me as she walked over to Viviana.

"The school dresscode says no beanies. Wasn't it you who got Spence in trouble for that," Piper crossed her arms as everyone turned to look at the two. "And now you're violating the same rule, hats off," Piper stated, taking the beanie off Viviana's head to reveal the perfectly bald head of the girl, the class gasped, some people laughed.

"How dare you?" Viviana yelled in high pitch, snatching the beanie from Piper, Piper looked shocked at what she'd done.

"I'm sorry. What happened?" Piper asked, feeling bad, though she didn't really have to.

"Karma, that's what happened," I said quietly into the silence of our class to have everyone turn to me. "I know no one believes me that she's a bad person, though karma knows," I shrugged, Viviana started walking over to me.

"You! It was you who did it! You have any idea how long I had been working on growing these out? And now they're gone!" Viviana yelled, Dylan stepped before me to keep Viviana from reaching my table. "Move, Dylan! Spencer, you're so done!" Viviana screamed in her high pitched tone.

"No, you're done!" Piper said, making her way towards Viviana, making Viviana turn to her, before Piper punched her square in the face, making Viviana stummble and fall backwards. Everyone else was in shock, but no one seemed to go help the girl. I stood up to go check up on her, feeling Dylan and Matt's eyes on me.

"Viv, are you okay?" I asked, kneeling down next to her, she snickered, getting up.

"This is all because of you! Stop ruining my life!" Viviana yelled at me, pushing me backwards.

"Spence was just asking if you're okay, they didn't do anything," Viviana's friend, Pidge, stated.

"Can't you see what they're doing? Spencer's sabotaging my entire life since the moment we met! It's all their fault!" Viviana yelled, giving me a glare.

"What did I ever do to you?" I asked in confusion, maybe I'll now get answers.

"Don't act like you don't know!" she yelled at me before turning on her heal and leaving the class.

"I don't! I really don't," I called after her, still confused before sighing and going to sit back down.

"Spence, I'm sorry about Viv, she's never been like this with anyone," Pidge apologized.

"I know, it's only been me, for about a year now, but not like you'd believe me anyways," I shrugged, not bothered with anything, I have achieved what I set my goal to. I was listening to everyone's apologiez for not believing me, I just nodded or replied similiary.

Later I was walking from school, seeing Viviana walking slowly behind, I jogged to catch up with her and leaned towards her ear, smiling before I spoke.

"You shouldn't have messed with me, you know? Either you're on my side or you're my enemy, they never end good," I whispered, watching her schocked face turn to me, I shrugged and smiled before walking off ahead, feeling her gaze follow me before I disappeared inside.

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