|chapter four: maybe|

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For the remain of the day I spent my time by scrolling through TikTok, like every kid my age, while thinking about the conversation I had with Dylan earlier

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For the remain of the day I spent my time by scrolling through TikTok, like every kid my age, while thinking about the conversation I had with Dylan earlier. One of my roommates was out with a friend, I suppose, the other was working on homework, so the room was quiet the only sound acompanying my thoughts being the background noises of videos in my headphones. Why would someone assume I'm the right person to ask love advice from, I don't do crushes, but if I did, I'd just tell my crush right the moment I discovered my crush before I could fall head over heels, so I could move on easier, I guess, honestly I have no idea how that works.

Nothing more so interesting happened in the following days and I still had no idea how to ask Matt out for Dylan, I mean boys, am I right? Even though girls aren't so much better, but at least none of them asked me to set a date up for her. It was a quite normal afternoon art class as Dylan aproached Evelyn's and Matt's desk, I was seated right next to Matt as we had several tables put together in a line, with Piper on my right. I gave him a questioning look as he looked over my shoulder at Matt's drawing, that was by the way so much better than mine. Honestly I think I'm a decent artist, but then you see Matt's art work and feel like a five-year-old in comparison, one of the main reason I hated him at first.

"Very cool, but why did you cover up the meadow? It was pretty," Dylan asked, still looking at Matt's paper. Matt looked up at him in surprise.

"You recognized it was a meadow?" Matt asked surprisedly, at that point I lost it and started laughing, I think everyone who saw the picture before could tell, but you do you bestie.

"Um, yeah? Isn't it?" Dylan asked in confusion, shooting me a look for explanation, I just shrugged, still laughing.

"Yeah, yes it is, I just didn't think anyone would recognize it," Matt replied, making me laugh even harder. These gays.

"What? Something funny?" Dylan turned to me, ruffling my hair, which caused me to stop laughing instantly and give him a glare, he took his hand back. "And you say I'm scary, this is typical psychopath behaviour," he stated.

"I just don't like people touching my hair, except Matthew because I got used to it somehow," I explained, shooting the boys a smile, turining back to my work.

"And what's that?" Dylan asked, hovering over my work.

"A coffee shop inspired poster," I explained with a smile, he nodded.

"But you know coffee shops don't sell packed ice coffee," Dylan pointed out, placing his finger over a wrapper I glued on my paper, I looked up at him with a smile.

"I said it's just inspired, this is what I had, leave me alone," I rolled my eyes.

"I think it corresponds well with the vending machines downstairs," Dylan stated with a smile.

"Then it's that, I dunno," I threw my hands around, letting out a sigh of giving up, he just laughed.

"Yeah, it would fit better even with those Kit-Kats and Resees," Dylan said, pointing into the bottom right corner where I glued snack wrapper cut-outs.

"Yeah, but they don't sell Resees, though," I sighed sadly, it's one of my favorite snacks, despite me not liking peanuts, same goes to Hawaii pizza, I despise pineapple, except when it's on pizza.

"How dare they?" Dylan joked, I shot him a smile, he smiled back and left. I turned back to my friends, seeing they all were giving me a smirk, I just rolled my eyes.

"So, I see the date went well yesterday," Piper stated, smiling even wider.

"One, it wasn't a date and two, he does that with most people, 'key," I explained, not really in the mood in joking about it as they might actually think we're dating.

"Yeah, you should not. Remember, he's my crush as well," Matt said in a joking manner.

"Yeah, but I got him first," I shrugged, shooting my bestfriend a smile.

"Oh no, what will I do?" Matt joked, rolling his eyes.

"End up with Shawn," I said, making Matt gasp as he turned to me.

"You take that back!" he said, I shook my head.

"No, but for real, do you like Dylan? Like, in all seriousness," I decided to ask again.

"No, do you?" Matt asked, seemingly forgeting how I had insulted him just moments before.

"No, we've talked about this already," I shot back, giving him a look, Matt just shrugged.

"And even if he did, Dylan's straight," Piper joined in on our conversation. I turned to her.

"I have already told you that there is no way in hell he's not at least a little fruity. And I stand by my point," I crossed my arms before going back to my collage.

~my friend's sweet comment inspired me to make another chapter, so there ya go

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