|chapter twelve: knowing|

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"This just sucks," I let out, throwing my head back, so I wouldn't have to see my laptop's screen

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"This just sucks," I let out, throwing my head back, so I wouldn't have to see my laptop's screen. Matt, Piper and Evelyn were looking at me with sad smiles. "I mean, I've worked on this for months, coming up with a good enought plot idea, first draft then beta reading, proof reading, creating the cover and the only person who read it is Pipes, and she hadn't even seen the show," I whined again, looking back at my wattpad account.

"I'm sure people will read it eventually, good things take time," Matt said ressuringly, placing his hand over my shoulder.

"I would read it, if I had wattpad," Evelyn said in attempt to cheer me up, I just shook my head.

"I guess fanfictions are just not doing it for me," I let out, suddenly feeling someone's hands on my shoulders, I looked up to see Dylan looking over my shoulder at my laptop's screen.

"That's the book you wrote?" he asked with interest, I just nodded, looking back at the screen.

"One of them, but only Piper reads them because she's trying to be a good friend," I let out, staring at the 1 view on each chapter.

"Can I read it?" Dylan asked with interest, staring at the chapter's names.

"It's online for anyone to read, find it and you may," I replied, looking up again to shoot him a smile. Dylan took out his phone and snapped a picture of my screen.

"I will, and I'll read it. If I like it, I'll make sure everyone I know will read that," Dylan shot me a smile, I just rolled my eyes at that.

"It's really amazingly written, I don't get half of the references since I never watched the show, but the writing? Chef's kiss," Piper said with excitement, only making Dylan laugh.

"Well, now I have to read it to see if it's really that good," Dylan responded, giving Piper a smile.

"Yes, it is!" Piper quickly said while nodding her head to support her statement, only causing in Dylan laughing again.

"Fine, I'll be going before Viviana can make another scene," Dylan sighed, looking over at his friend group where Viviana was unfortunately glaring at us.

"Yep, have fun," I said, giving him a smile. In response he kissed my forehead and walked off. "Do not ever do that again," I said, loud enough for him to hear, but Dylan just turned around and shrugged.

"Not dating my ass," Evelyn said with a chuckle.

"No, no one's dating your ass, as far as I know," I said quite seriously, then our friend group bursted out in laugher.

"Okay, now; when are you writing a fanfic about me?" Matt asked, turning to fully face me, while placing his head in his hand.

"When you're interesting enough to be in one," I said with a smile, closing my web browser and turning my laptop off before the next class started.

"I am interesting, didn't I tell you about Shawn?" Matt protested, I just shrugged.

"As if that's interesting enough. If you were dating Dylan there would rise drama," Evelyn responded in a knowing tone.

"Me and that asshole, please," Matt waved her off, me and Evelyn just locked eyes before we yet again exploded in laugher while Piper and Matt were watching us in confusion.

"What are you two hiding from us?" Piper crossed her arms.

"Not our fault you two are so oblivious," Evelyn shrugged as someone else aproached our table.

"Hi Spency, can we have a little talk?" Viviana asked with a smile.

"I don't know, schedule a meeting with my secretary," I replied, going to ignoring her, but she wouldn't let go that easy as she grabbed my shoulder with her abnormally large nails and brought her face closer to mine.

"You think you're so smart, but you should know that Dylan is mine and making up rumours about me won't help you anyhow. Realize. your. place!" Viviana said in a low tone, before squeazing my shoulder and leaving back to her friends, leaving my right shoulder in pain from her ugly nails.

"I will so kill her one day," Piper let out, glaring behind Viviana.

"Calm down, fluff-ball, you'll get your chance," I told her with a smile.

"How are you so calm after what she did?" Matt asked in disbelieve.

"Patience, my children, patience is the key. I could cry or yell about it like an immature child, however I am just slowly planning my revenge to perfection. And I know the wait is so going to be worth it," I said with a cold smile in Viviana's direction. "I could have provoke her by mentioning Dylan kissing me just before, but why? She saw it, I'll just wait for my time to come, and it will," I said, turning back to my friends with a warm smile.

"You're a villain material, you know that?" Evelyn let out, sounding slightly surprised.

"Supervillain material, if you will. And yeah, I get that a lot," I shrugged with a smile.

"At least you're aware," Matt let out with a shrug, I just nodded as the school bell rang and Evelyn with Piper turned ahead to the board. I actually don't get it that often, barely ever, but I kinda know that with the right supplies I could as well destroy the universe if I wanted to, but for now my target is Viviana, she deserves it after all.

~hello, author here and i just wanted to say that i actually havent been sick that long, by monday i was feeling physically fine, however my grandpa died on sunday and had funeral on tuesday, so i was an emotional trainwrack, only leaving my bed to attend the funeral (and also going to the bathroom)
so basically i havent been doing my best and my friends are very worried, rightfully because i basically spent 24/7 in my bed and my mom can be glad if i come to get a snack at a very unreasonable time, honestly if she didnt force me to go to lunch everyday at least, i would eat nothing. but it still makes me feel weird that my friends care because all the friends i have had before would just go: "stop being so dramatic, also my bf broke up with me, blah blah blah.." so im not used to this, and i also barely have the strenght to reply to them, i try but its been hard
tho today im feeling slightly better, so i decided to write a little something while also explaining my absence, i'll try to keep on the pace of a new chapter every other day from now on (it wont probably last for too long, but lets give it a shot) so yea, thats about it, enjoy a new chapter and have a nice day/night

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