|chapter sixteen: she knows|

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It didn't take too long for me and Matt to start casually talking again, however he stayed sitting away as his seat was already occupied by Dylan, I did say I'd kick him out, but Matt dismissed it, so I just let it be

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It didn't take too long for me and Matt to start casually talking again, however he stayed sitting away as his seat was already occupied by Dylan, I did say I'd kick him out, but Matt dismissed it, so I just let it be. I got out of problems with everyone based on what Viviana said about me, by now the whole school knew how she'd bullied me by now, her friend group was quickly decresing and she barely had anyone to talk to, it got to the point I almost felt bad for her, almost. With others around, I tried being nice to her, but she'd always dismissed me or yelled at me, only making other people not like her more, according to my plan. I was far from done with her, but for now I'll let her rest, maybe she realizes her mistake and comes to apologize, which I doubt, but it would save her from getting burried even lower. I kept on inviting our friend group and Dylan out, and I with the girls would 'accidentally' leave the boys together on their own. Piper was still clueless like Adrian Agreste from Miraculous, while I had the feeling Evelyn knows just about as much as I do.

"Why couldn't I just stay out? You can carry five ice-creams in two," Piper whined as I was dragging her through the shop to get to the freezer section.

"Because we need help choosing," Evelyn replied while rolling her eyes.

"You could have just asked, you know," Piper said, still not getting it.

"We could, but we wanted you to come with us," I replied as we finally stopped where we meant to get.

"Why? You're jealous I'll take Dylan from you?" Piper asked with a teasing smile, I just rolled my eyes in response.

"To be honest, I'd rather date you than him, but if I had a free choice, it's no one," I said, reaching for the ice-cream I always got, taking a different flavor for Matt and Dylan.

"Fine, I'll go get a soda, then," Piper replied, her smile fading as she walked off.

"One would say she'd have an idea by now," Evelyn sighed, also reaching for a popsicle of her own.

"You know?" I asked, not really surprised, rather just casually.

"Who doesn't?" Evelyn replied in the same way.

"Piper, apparently," I shrugged as we began walking towards where Piper disappeared to. "How did you find out?" I asked.

"Simple, everyone can see it, the way Dylan looks at Matt. I think I even knew before he himself," Evelyn let out a laugh and I joined her. "Matt too, though he won't admit it," she added.

"I know, right?" I rolled my eyes, Evelyn looked at me.

"How did you find out?" she asked curiously.

"Dylan told me, when he offered me the coffee, since then we've grown closer, I guess," I shrugged, Evelyn nodded.

"Makes sense, so you're trying to get them together now?" Evelyn replied with a nod.

"Basically, but Matthew is just so dang stubborn," I let out in frustration and Evelyn just laughed.

"Maybe you should give it a break, let things work themselves out," Evelyn suggested with a smile.

"They're both idiots who won't act up on their feelings, if they at least admit it," I rolled my eyes, Evelyn nodded at that and we already reached Piper.

"So, I got us all one, hope you like what I chose," Piper said excitedly, holding up a couple cans.

"Sure, let's go pay then," Evelyn smiled at her and we all walked to the register to pay and get back to the boys.

"What took you three so long?" Dylan said, getting up as he spotted us, Matt stayed seated at my skate as I handed them the ice-creams.

"Get off," I gestured to my skate and Matt unwillingly got up, I got in and looked to the others, "Where to now?" I asked.

"I guess it's still too cold for a swim, but we could crash a playground," Dylan suggested, we all somehow agreed and left towards the playground, Dylan letting Evelyn 'borrow' his skate, but to be honest, she just took it without asking. So me and Evelyn were far ahead as the other three walked behind out of ear shot.

"Maybe you'll manage to get them together at the prom, it always works in cheesy romance movies," Evelyn suggested with a laugh, I joined her.

"As if, but it's worth a shot," I shrugged, "but wait, that'd mean I'd have to go too," I sighed, making Evelyn laugh again.

"I'm sure it will make Pipes very happy," Evelyn laughed.

"Yeah, but it won't make me happy, in the slightest," I frowned, letting out annoyed sigh as Evelyn laughed even harder, almost falling off the skate.

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