|chapter eight: dumb|

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I know my smartness level is barely above zero as I need to have everything explained at least twice, but more often more than that, to really understand what the others meant, and math is like a whole different language to me, so it's not a surpr...

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I know my smartness level is barely above zero as I need to have everything explained at least twice, but more often more than that, to really understand what the others meant, and math is like a whole different language to me, so it's not a surprise I suck at it, not being able to understand numbers, but that doesn't mean I don't try to... well according to Matt it apparently does, not only he has to whine about hoping for a C, while I know for a fact that it's gonna be a B at worst, but he has the audacity to tell me: "Maybe if you tried, you'd get better grades." after I was trying to surpress a panic attack over failing maths and being kicked out of the school. Made me really feel worthless and I cried about it, but since Matt apparently can't read social cues, he never even apologized. Lucky for me I had my sweetheart Piper, who made me feel slightly better about the whole situation. But the golden situation that made me smile, laugh even, was after lunch, Tyler walked into the class with a cup of hot chocolate and somehow spilled it over Dylan who was standing by the doorway at the sink. I wasn't looking to see what exactly happened, but I turned just in time to see Dylan stummbling back and bumping into a manequin, causing it to fall over, the whole class including Dylan started laughing. Made my day so much better, I must admit. After a while Matt tried finding out what caused me going so quiet earlier, I didn't want to make him feel guilty about making me sad, so I just said I'm stressing about my grades, to which he replied that I should study more or ask questions to the teacher. One day I'll have to tell him that sometimes it's better to just stay quiet when someone's venting about their problems, because sometimes people don't want solutions, sometimes we just want someone to listen and be there for us, or at least I do.

Couple mintues into the lesson, the teacher told some classmates from the front desks to give out copies of notes, so we could try out the crafts for the workshop without wasting time copying the notes, but we can rewrite it later at home, or dorms, though I think everyone's gonna study for the math test. Dylan was one of the chosen to give out the notes, and being himself, he obviously threw the papers over a few people's heads, like a cap, one of them being my deskmate Matt. As Dylan was walking away I heard Matt say: "Thanks sweat pants." I looked at him and we both started quietly laughing.

"What did you say?" I whispered to Matt.

"I said 'thanks sweetheart'," Matt whispered back, I mouther an 'oh', now it made sense.

"I heard you say 'sweat pants' and was confused," I explained, still in whisper, Matt started laughing halfway through, trying to keep as quiet as possible.

Then was the time for us to start the DIYs, our group of four had assigned frogs, or well Piper chose frogs because she knows they're one of my favorite animals, come to think of it maybe most favorite ones, or maybe second and first would be racoons, but then again I also like snakes, and cats. I'm starting to see a pattern I don't like here, simply put, frogs are easiest to draw, excluding snakes, but most people find snakes scary. Anyways, we worked on the froggies, Matt and Piper cutting out more templates as me and Evelyn decided to, or were assiged to, but we kinda chose it so, complete samples of the frogs, I went for green, the typical frog color, while Evelyn chose purple. After a couple more minutes, Matt stated that his frog cutouts all look different from one another, to which he showed me what looked like a teeth and then something I couldn't even put a name to, so I gave him two already cut pieces to make another sample, while forbiding him from more cutting, leaving Piper to it as hers worked out just alright. We joked around, laughing at our creations, Evelyn's was the funniest as she seemed to forget what a frog looks like and she glued it's face too low, after Piper pointed that out, Evelyn tried to fix it by moving the eyes, making it slightly even worse. At one point, Matt decided to give his frog a sombrero, but before he glued it to the head, he tried making it a panties to which I strictly said no, as kids were going to see this, he quickly explained it was a joke and put it to the right place, not bothering with giving his frog a mouth.

Eventually the class ended and we all left towards the locker room together.

"I need to go to the fashion show training," Matt told us as he dropped his bag by the lockers.

"Oh right, me too actually," Piper seemed to just remember.

"And I need to go home, see ya tommorow," Evelyn stated, already dressed, ready to leave as she waved us all goodbye.

"Bye, so see you all tommorow," I stated with a smile, waving my leaving friends as well. Then I turned to my locker and tied my sneakers, reaching for my jacket as the door slammed in my face, I turned to see the reason, which I honestly should have expected.

"You really thought you could get away with that?" Viviana asked with a sharp laugh.

"Aren't you supposed to be at your fashion training?" I asked, crossing my arms, she just nearly cut my arm off.

"I am, and I will. I said I forgot something and will come back later. The thing I forgot is showing you where you belong, by the way," Viviana explained with an evil smile. "You really think I would let you embarras me like that without consequences?" she asked.

"The only person embarrasing you was yourself," I rolled my eyes, "now can you just leave, I'm trying to go study for maths," I sighed.

"What would you study for? You're dumb anyway, the stupidest person I have ever met, and I've met a lot of people. I don't even get how are you still here, or why do you even try. It would be better if you just died already, I hoped you would. You know what your roommates told me? That they would rather the housekeepers to put me with them, not you, but they weren't so lucky, they only tolerate you because they have to. Oh, and your friends? I bet they just feel bad for you because you didn't have any friends and now they'd all feel bad to just abandon you, or maybe they need you to do stuff for group projects, how much of the workshops you actually did?" Viviana smiled even wider, going silent for a second, when I didn't answer, she continued, "I know you're stupid, but think for a while. Do you really think someone would want to spend time with you out of their own free will?" she scoffed.

"What did I ever do to you to make you treat me like this?" I asked, hearing my voice shaky, trying to keep myself from crying.

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