|chapter twenty: aftermath|

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I did not need to know about my once best friend's love life, especially when it involved details of a

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I did not need to know about my once best friend's love life, especially when it involved details of a ... let's say pretty wild night with another friend of mine. The two people in question: Matt and Dylan. The next monday as I stepped in class, Matt was at my side talking about what he and Dylan got to after I left, which included dancing, Viviana yelling at them about always taking my side, Dylan yelling at her back before they left to ... somewhere, I wasn't fully paying attention, or Matt is just a chaotic talker, yep defo that. And then it started going downhill, they talked, Dylan made his move, they kissed and.. then I interwined the talk.

"Okay, Matt I like you, but I don't need all the details. In fact I don't need any details," I raised my hand. "Only thing I need is, are you two dating now?" I turned to Matt with a raised brow.

"Well, I wouldn't really say that. Not that I'd mind, I think I don't. Oh and if you thought, we did not fuck yesterday," Matt said, I gave him a questioning look.

"I didn't think that, but whateves," I waved it off. As if on cue to prove Matt wrong, Dylan appeared out of nowhere, wrapping his arm around Matt's shoulder and kissing his cheek.

"Hey bae, hey Spence," Dylan shot me a smile, I nodded in greetings before turning to Matt.

"So what did you say about not dating?" I asked, Matt was bright red that I had to laugh.

"Well, we didn't really specify our relationship yet," Matt explained, Dylan gave him a questioning look.

"What do you mean? We're boyfriends," Dylan stated, I laughed at that again.

"Okay, then I said it wrong, Spence. We are dating," Matt clariffied, I gave him a smile before leaving to talk with Piper and Evelyn, the boys following me.

"Hey, how was yours weekend?" I asked, slipping into my seat and the two girls turned to me with a smile.

"We were just talking about Piper's new boyfriend," Evelyn smiled simply.

"Why not Matt's new boyfriend?" I asked, gesturing to the two boys hang onto one another.

"Finally," Evelyn gave them a look before turning to me, "I was right about prom."

"Yep," I nodded and began to take my things out of my bag.

"Spence, on a scale from one to ten, how much would you mind if I sat with Matt?" Dylan asked carefully.

"Somewhere else, zero. Here, a hundred," I replied with a smile, Dylan nodded.

"So, if I'll just go sit somewhere else now, you won't mind?" he asked to clarify.

"Not at all, go for it," I said with a smile. "Just don't do your couply stuff in front of me, thanks," I added.

"We still aren't finished about Piper and her handsome fella," Evelyn said, taking Piper's phone to show a selfie of Piper and the boy she went to dance with at the prom.

"Aww, you'd find a boyfriend too," I said with a happy smile, Dylan and Matt went to look too.

"He looks hot," Dylan stated just by the way.

"Why is Piper with Shawn?" Matt asked, still studying the photo.

"Like the hoe from your workplace?" I asked, looking at him.

"Exactly that guy," Matt clarified, still staring at the photo.

"Why was he on our school's prom?" Dylan asked, he sounded somehow uneasy.

"I don't know, but I have the feeling it has something to do with Viviana," I said, also studying the photo now.

"You can't blame everything wrong that happens at her," Piper said, "Also, why did you let me dance with him?" she said in a high pitched voice.

"I didn't know it was him," I defended myself.

After that we kind of dropped it and went on our days casually, that was until I got a notification for a new message on instagram when I was making my way from the atelier in third floor to the vending machines in ground floor. It just read: 'You will do as I say or Piper gets hurt.' I looked at my phone in confusion, going through the person's profile, not so surprisingly, it was Shawn and amongst his followers I found Viviana, so obvious what they're planning and how they do stuff. Gods, these people are making it too easy for me. Obviously I'll play along with their little game, just for the kicks.


🔋 📶 3:48 PM


You will do as I say or Piper gets hurt.

whatt is that u say???

You will break apart Matthew and Dylan.

after i was trying to get them together for months? no i dont think so

Oh, but you will if you want to save Piper's heart from breaking.



no :P

You will regret this!


I think you do not realize the importance of this situation.


Give me a proper answer! I am talking to you in an important manner.


So you would let Piper get hurt because you're a bitch?


I turned my phone off, rolling my eyes. As if I can't protect my sweetie-pie without following some stupid orders, though I kept screenshots of everything as evidence in case something goes wrong in the future. For now I won't bother my friends with this, key word: for now, as I may bring it up when things get too suspicious. Why can't things just work out without stupid Viviana and her plans. Guess I'll just have to get rid of her for good, I didn't want to, but if she won't stop bothering, she gives me no other choice. She'll be to deserve it after all.

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