|chapter five: this bitch|

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For the following couple days things seemed to go normal, at least for me, not so much for others as a couple times I got asked by my classmates who are not in on the joke, or are unaware of me being aroace, wheter me and Dylan are dating

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For the following couple days things seemed to go normal, at least for me, not so much for others as a couple times I got asked by my classmates who are not in on the joke, or are unaware of me being aroace, wheter me and Dylan are dating. I never gave direct answer, simply for the rumours, I don't like spreading them, but I like initiating the 'will they, won't they' and 'are they, aren't they' just to cause chaos, what can I say? I'm just like that, nothing new. I did notice though that Dylan and I had gotten a little closer, he'd spend more time hanging out with my friendgroup rather than his, and I did know, or thought I know, that it was rather because of Matt not me, unfortunatelly I was the only one who knew. And there came she into the picture again, in short "she" is my bully from about a year ago.

To explain it properly, I never had any issues with her what so ever, my feelings about her were as neutral as can be, just like most my other classmates. That changed when my first ever roommate decided she wants to live with her roommate, the most annyoing thing about this whole thing is, I was home sick when this all happened, so when I came back, this girl was in my room without me even knowing she lives there now. For a few weeks we got along just fine, with the mutal annoyment with our roommates changing us without our consent, at least that's what she said they did to her as well, I believed her then, not so sure about the true of anything she said to me now. Then winter came, she claimed to always be cold, so I would only keep the windows open for fresh air for short peroids of time, so she wouldn't be too cold, but the room could still stay breathable. She began having problems with this too and would close the windows the moment I opened them, so I kept them open while she was showering, so it wouldn't affect her. The atmosphere soon became unbreathable, so I was spending my time in the kitchen or common room, only going to the room to sleep just to wake up with headaches. I was never a confrontation person and always let other have their way, but the issue with my headaches and lack of concentration became a problem, so I decided to kindly ask her to let me keep the window open for at least a little while, for that she had yelled at me for being selfish and refused to let me breathe, not to mention that the room was already way too hot that it felt more like a sauna, if there is something I can't stand, then it's hot weather. It was then that I started asking to be moved in with someone else. The problem was that she was the sweet butterfly in the eyes of everyone else, so I always got told that she can be reasoned with and to stop being difficult, even by my own parents. Then my things started disappearing, pens, clothes, notebooks, I asked my roommate about it, only getting a response of: "Oh, it was ugly, so I threw it away. Too bad I can't do the same with you." She always kept on yelling at me for the smallest of thing, having an issue with everything I did, she made me feel like I was just a waste of space. That's when I started thinking if anybody would miss me if I was gone, I knew if I said what she does, no one would believe me and I would only achieve having more enemies, I kept on pushing the housekeepers to let me live anywhere else. The breaking point was when one morning, she kicked me out of the room, I ran down crying and asked for any other room, that evening I was moved in with my current roommates and it was as if a light switch switched, I was feeling way better overnight. Since then we had been ignoring each other, but I could tell she still hates me, I never was at the point of hating her, I'm fine with her existence now, she doesn't seem to be. Until today I have no idea what I did to make her hate me so much, she's so nice to everyone else, including my friends, before they started talking to me, now she just ignores them.

Back to present time, for about a year we just ignored each other, that now seemed to change when I began talking with Dylan. She was friends with him, but now she seemed mad at him, I suppose for talking to me. Her name's Viviana Kramer, if you care. Everytime me and Dylan are talking, she throws those glares our way, he doesn't seem to notice, but I know. I was thinking about stealing her friends, but was sure I could never manage, but now that idea came back to me. I'm not a revenge person, but if I get a chance, I always take it.

"Did you notice Viviana always staring at us? It's creepy," I whispered as me and Dylan walked through the crowded hallway to our next class.

"Yeah? I think she has a crush on me or something, someone said," Dylan replied, completely unamazed.

"And you? How do you feel about her?" I asked, she was too far to hear, so I was fine to ask.

"Dunno, she seems too fake to me. I mean all that make-up, unecessary and her clothes are too much," Dylan said, shaking in disgust.

"Says you," I stated, looking at his jacket with car seatbelts attached as an acessory.

"Listen, I'm a fashion designer and I made this, so it's promoting my work. She shops at Shein," Dylan defended.

"Yeah, and about the fakeness. It's also her behavior, she acts so nice, but it's just a facade," I stated, bringing the books I was carrying closer to my chest.

"What do you mean? You don't even know her," Dylan said, not defensively, but rather confusedly.

"You're looking at her forgein roommate," I shot him a smile, Dylan looked surprised.

"You were living with a girl?" he asked, I shrugged.

"I was living with all kinds of people, but only I regret Viviana," I stated sadly.

"Why? Was she that bad of a roommate?" Dylan asked, I shook my head.

"She made me feel worthless and I almost killed myself because of her, but I don't wanna get into that, it always makes me cry and we have Mrs. H. next, she already hates me enough," I let out a chuckle as to try masking my 'tragic backstory'.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I had no idea," Dylan said quickly. I waved him off.

"Nah, it's fine as long as we don't talk about it. Just know, she's not what she seems to be, a little warning," I said with a smile as we parted ways and Dylan sat down at his desk in the front and I continued to the back to sit next to Matt.

"So you officially exchanged me for Dylan?" Matt asked, faking annoyance, I just rolled my eyes.

"Well, I gotta pay attention to my boyfriend now, don't I?" I joked, Mat shrugged. The bell soon rang and the teacher walked in to start the lecture. I felt eyes on me, so I looked around to see Viviana glaring daggers into my face, when she noticed I'm looking, she quickly turned her head to the headboard. I just let out a sigh before shifting my attention back to my unfavorite teacher.

~due to getting more nice comments from my friend, I was motivated to write a new chapter. drama is raising, hihi :) hope you enjoyed

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