|chapter eleven: workshop|

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Eventually the rumors calmed down, as they were just rumors, new one was spreading though, me and Dylan are dating

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Eventually the rumors calmed down, as they were just rumors, new one was spreading though, me and Dylan are dating. We were called 'the scary couple of our school' and 'perfect match', 'soulmates' and all that stuff, basically, which yes was fitting, except we were not a couple. Matt eventually went back to talking to me again, so did Evelyn and all went back to normal, or well my new normal.

The famous day of workshops arrived, first we started with a talent show, singing and instrumental playing, basically. Then was a competition results, which is basically the point of the whole day. And then it continued with a fashion show, during that our class had to move to the room the workshop took place at to live through the worst five or so hours of our lives. Evelyn and I were basically just tearing apart the cotton filling because apparently you're supposed to be doing that, also we didn't want to do anything else, Piper and Matt took care of the talking and necessaries, as the extroverts they are. At one point we went to get lunch, just me and Evelyn as someone needed to stay at our table, and we somehow decided that. I had salad with vegetarian meatballs, that weren't 'meatballs', but I have no idea what to call them, I only got that because I didn't want the other option. Somehow we ended up talking about literally shit, we got to that point because the meatballs looked like horse shit, stated Evelyn. I will spare you the stories we told at that table and we'll move towards our walk back to school, where our conversation moved to my fear of snake sneaking up on you while you're on the toilet, because we decided to have a little bathroom break before coming back. After returning to the workshops, we found out that the kids had already left. Me and my friends spent the remaining time making more frpgs from the leftovers we had. At one point the secretary walked in to help clean up, though Dylan told her that it's fine and we'll clean up ourselves, after that statement he and a girl he was paired up with played tic tac toe and then he vanished without helping to clean up, which did most of the class, including Evelyn and Piper. In the end it was me, Matt and Tyler doing all the job, Zoe stayed behind too, but she was to no help. After cleaning up both classes, Matt said his goodbyes and left to catch his bus, so I stayed behind with just Zoe and Tyler, who let me borrow his guitar he played earlier. I had played guitar before, in like seventh grade, but I stopped because of the teacher I had and never felt the motivation to get back to it, so I just played some melodies I thought sounded good on Tyler's guitar and pretended I know what I'm doing. Eventually we all left, Zoe's dad picked her up and Tyler walked me to the dorms where we talked for a while before he left to catch his bus and I walked inside.

It was one of the most exhausting days I had in a while, the only good thing? For the past few days, Viviana didn't show up at school, her friends said she's ill and I hope she won't return again.

~hello guys, author here. I just wanted to say sorry for the lack of chapters lately, even now it's trash. I haven't been feeling too good lately, even now I feel like shit, but I forced myself to write at least a little update. I might be gone for a while, I'll try to write something, but I can't promise anything because I'm feeling super bad rn, hopefully it's better soon and I'll be able to write more. As of now, I'm sorry and I'll try to post something as soon as I physically can

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