|chapter six: attention|

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Few more days passed casually, Viviana trying to kill me with her staring, me, Matt, Piper and Evelyn existing as usually, Dylan bothering me

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Few more days passed casually, Viviana trying to kill me with her staring, me, Matt, Piper and Evelyn existing as usually, Dylan bothering me. The new norm for me, basically. We were just in P.E. class with Mr. Jick that none called othewise that Mr. Dick, for obvious reasons, rumours had it he was a pedo, but as for now couldn't be proved, so I just took it as a possible threath for now. We had free lancing as the teacher still needed to test the classmates that had not finished some stuff, I was one of them, but I was done rather quickly, so I decided to shoot with basketball, I wasn't anyhow good, but I had fun. Piper and Evelyn were playing table tennis with couple other classmates. After a while I went to check up on the boys who were climbing the pole. Dylan was standing on the floor staring up at Matt, who was nearly at the top as I walked over with the ball still in my hands.

"You're down bad," I stated, giving Dylan a knowing look, he turned to the ground, his cheeks turning slightly pink.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I wasn't staring at Matthew's ass," he stated, I smiled wider.

"I never said you were, you did," I smiled, seeing the panicked look on his face as he looked around. "Chill out, dude. I'm totally fine with that, don't get why people do that, but you do you," I shrugged. When he didn't reply or anything, I went back to tossing the ball into the hoop.

Matt soon walked over, claping his hands as I again missed by just millimeters. I looked over at him, throwing him the ball with a challenging look. So we played together for the following several minutes. Eventually Dylan was all done too and asked to join our game, I was just about to answer: "Sure." when Viviana came running over and hang onto Dylan's arm.

"Hey, Dylan, would you like to go play tennis with us?" she asked, gesturing at the clearly occupied table tennis, where Piper and Evelyn were still playing with Zoe and Tyler.

"You weren't even playing, and someone is clearly in the middle of a game now," I stated, crossing my arms.

"So what? They'd been there this whole time, and we need a fourth player," Viviana stated, still clinging onto Dylan's arm.

"You know, I would rather play basket with Spence and Matthew, if you don't mind," Dylan said, taking his arm out of her grip.

"If I don't mind? Of course I do, you're abandoning us for those losers," Viviana scoffed, crossing her arms with a pout.

"Well.. I'm sorry, but I really just want to do this now," Dylan said, pointing at the hoop.

"Then you can play basket with us," Viviana pushed, making me roll my eyes.

"He clearly said no, what you don't get at it. Stop being a pick me and piss off," I let out in annoyance, Viviana did turn away to leave, but then she turned back to look at me.

"You're gonna regret this, Leclair," she said before actually turning away and leaving.

"I already regreet meeting this girl, but oh well," I rolled my eyes, turning to the boys with a smile. "So, shall we play, then?" I suggested, looking at Matt who was still holding the ball.

"Sure, catch," Matt shrugged before throwing the ball at Dylan, who barely caught it. "I said catch," Matt joked. We continued playing until the rest of the class, I could see the sparkles flying between them. It was like watching a TV show where you just know these two characters are going to end up together from the first moment you see them on screen. But this was better as I could actually make it happen, but do I want to? Yeah, I think I do want to, but just because they look so cute together. We all eventually left the gym and went home, or the dorms. As I was waiting outside the changing rooms for Piper, Evelyn and Matt, the boys changing room door opened, Matt and Dylan walking out, talking about something, in their small bubble. They walked right past me, continuing their debate. I decided to let it slide, but just because they're not dating yet. Soon the girls changing room opened too and Viviana walked out, going to stand next to the boys changing room, far from me. After a moment, Zoe and Piper walked out as well, Piper went to sit on the bench next to me.

"Did Tyler already go?" Zoe asked, I shook my head, so she sat down next to us too, waiting for her friend. Eventually Evelyn came out as well, so I got up to leave.

"What about Matt?" Piper asked as I started walking away.

"Oh, he already left, let's go. Do you want to go grab a coffee or something?" I said casually, Piper stood up as well and the three of us left.

"Sure, we can go to the café nearby and you could tell us what is the whole thing with Dylan about," Piper suggested, I shrugged.

"I promised not to tell anyone, especially you two and Matt, but no one in general," I said, making Piper frown.

"I'll find it out, you know. You can't hide anything from me," Piper stated, Evelyn just laughed at that. "What?" Piper asked, turning to her.

"I'm just saying you're blind if you can't see what this is about," Evelyn shrugged with a smile.

"Are you and Dylan dating?" Piper turned to me in suspicion, I just shrugged.

"Promised I wouldn't tell," I explained and started walking faster to avoid more questions.

~i would have made this chapter a little longer, but i need to go do stuff now, so have this for now

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