Chapter 7

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"Your joking!?" Io shouted at December. They had started making their way to Wasp Hive in search of Orange herself and Io was... Not OKAY with this plan. "I'm not joking, Io, this is our chance to actually defeat Orange!" December said to Io "but we can't stand against them!" Io argued and December sighed. Io was right, they couldn't stand against an army of Pitchwings with sticky goo and tentacles! "Wait, what if we knew their weaknesses!" December said "weaknesses? That's not a bad idea! But a Pitchwing..." Io thought for a moment "we need one of them to basically be our captive" December said but where were they going to get a Pitchwing? Then that's when December thought of it, Pitchwings were in groups but they separated at times into individual camps. December learned that from when they met Snakeroot and saw camp grounds.

December turned to Io and she wasn't gonna like what she was gonna tell her... "Io, you need to be a distraction" December sighed "WHAT!?" Io exploded with anger "okay! Listen, their after you then they are after me because Orange captured you, she wants you because you are important to Blue, Swordtail, etc, and if you bring a singular Pitchwing to me then we can knock it out!" December explained "I can't believe your dragging me down with you! But... Your my friend and I need you so I'll help" Io sighed and calmed herself "thanks for helping Io, I knew you would be apart of this" December smiled. December led Io away from Wasp Hive as slowly as possibly to not alert any Pitchwings. It took them the whole day and by nightfall, they were near Beetle Lake and away from the Poison Jungle. They tried their best to not make contact with Pitchwings but they soon found a campsite by Beetle Lake! The Pitchwings were already asleep, they were snoring, and they seemed to just be out in the open.

December found a tent miles away from Beetle Lake and behind Vinegaroon Hive. That was their Pitchwing they were gonna capture. December looked over at Io and Io grumbled under her breath as she walked towards the Pitchwing tent. Their plan was that if they were to lure a Pitchwing to them then they could trap them by knocking them out with a type of spray. Before December and Io actually left the old Leafwing kingdom, Snakeroot gave them a spray bottle made out of the saliva of some type of plant and the plant knocked out it's victims with it's own saliva. December stayed far away from the campsite and more near Beetle Lake where Io could lead the Pitchwing. December was hoping that they weren't immune to this type of saliva spray and this would be test #1. December stayed for a few moments but then she realized how utterly long Io was taking and it made December worried.

Had Io been captured? December hoped not and she wanted to go over there and see but then Io came running. "December! Hurry!" Io yelled quietly to not wake the other Pitchwings then as Io ran passed December, the Pitchwing hurried along and didn't even see December. She quickly sprayed the saliva and the Pitchwing fell unconscious! The Pitchwing didn't move, it didn't screech, it didn't do anything but breath. December smiled and so did Io because this was the first test that went right! "Io, help me carry the Pitchwing!" December whispered loudly "on it" Io whispered back and they grabbed the Pitchwing by the limbs and dragged it back to the Poison Jungle. December and Io met back with Snakeroot who hissed suddenly at the sleeping Pitchwing. The others cleared the way as December and Io dragged the Pitchwing and they heard hisses and growls, mumbles under their breath of the Pitchwing, and December thought they had a reason. They dragged it back to the huge cave in which they met Snakeroot again and now they waited to see how long it would take for a Pitchwing to awaken from it's slumber.

It had taken around 3 hours for the Pitchwing to finally wake up and they were there when it awoken. The Pitchwing was sat in the same way Io was sitting on the pedestal back at Vinegaroon Hive, they had injected the Pitchwing with stiffening toxin. The Pitchwing could not move but it could speak and they looked around rapidly like it was trying to break free from this stiffening toxin. "Huh...? W-wha... Where am I!? Who are you?" The Pitchwing spoke, it's monotoned voice was high pitched and scared... "What should we test on them first?" Io asked Snakeroot "I'm guessing... Mmm, what about Dragon-Bite Viper snake poison?" Snakeroot smiled "we can't kill them just yet! So this is test #2 in which stiffening does work on them, what about little bits of fire?" December asked and Io had brought in a fellow flamesilk Silkwing. The Silkwing was a light indigo with a mixture of dark blue and green and his name was Adonis Blue.

Adonis Blue was a nice Silkwing but the type of Silkwing who also hated Chafer, the Hivewing who owned the Sugar Dream. Adonis Blue was a flamesilk and one of Io's friends and he was willing to share his flamesilk. Adonis pulled the flamesilk out of his wrist and wrapped it around the Pitchwings neck and it began to burn badly. The Pitchwing wanted to screech but it's throat was too swelled up to screech and it only cried quietly, that was test #3 that has worked. 

Adonis Blue had suggested another test which would be test #4 and he suggested the Breath Of Evil itself. "What? How would we be able to do that? The Pitchwing is already under Orange's control" December said "I have figured out something" Adonis replied, his voice was deep and scary. "Me and my fellow Hivewing and Leafwing friends have gone on a journey into the Poison Jungle a while back to truly further experiment on the Breath Of Evil without distractions but apparently the Breath Of Evil was no longer in working conditions and died off. We searched and we weren't gonna give up and found the last piece dying in the ground. My fellow Leafwing friend grew the Breath Of Evil to be strong but somehow kinder like a normal plant and while it's mind-controlling powers became stronger, we kept an eye on it. Soon after, we tested with a few Dragon-Bite Viper snakes within the jungle and we found out that you can override the mind-controlling powers with stronger mind-controlling powers" Adonis explained.

December was so surprised and thanked Adonis for sharing this information and he even gave her a piece of the Breath Of Evil and it was strong. It's powers seeped in through December's talons as she held it and it felt like it was begging her to use it on the Pitchwing. Adonis told December that the only way to spread the Breath Of Evil with such a little plant was to get it into the eyes of the host so they would look at different dragons and easily give the power to the leader. Adonis gave a small tube filled with black liquid and it was extracted from the Breath Of Evil itself. December ate the Breath Of Evil and it tasted terrible! How did Queen Wasp go through this for years!? December didn't mind that and made the Pitchwing drink the liquid and immediately they were under December's control. December saw what the Pitchwing saw and it was amazing! This was why the Breath Of Evil was actually kind of cool. December sent the Pitchwing on it's way to Wasp Hive where all the other Pitchwings looked the same.

December saw through the Pitchwings eyes, thousands of other Pitchwings were working on the cocoons at the top level and they were bringing them down to the bottom level. Orange was telling every Pitchwing what to do and December had the Pitchwing attend to their duties too so they wouldn't get caught but then they met an odd Pitchwing. The Pitchwing seemed more scared than the rest and Orange treated them badly and not like the others. The Pitchwing was not like the rest, all calm and fine but instead she was terrified and her eyes were regular! Was she a rare Pitchwing? December found the odd Pitchwing by the corner and she was sending a cocoon to the other Pitchwings. "Hello" December said through the Pitchwing and the other Pitchwing stopped and jumped "ah! Don't hurt me!" The Pitchwing cried and their voice was actually normal! "Hey calm down!" December said then the Pitchwing stared "wait... Your that Icewing girl!" The Pitchwing smiled and December had the Pitchwing pull the other Pitchwing by the ear. "Ow! I'm sorry!" The Pitchwing cried "how do you know!? Who are you!" December growled through the Pitchwing "I'm Ink and I want to help" The Pitchwing said surprisingly.

December didn't know if they could trust this Pitchwing but then Ink told her the past of herself! Ink was a special Pitchwing with black eyes instead of light blue, she held a lot of power but she was immune to anything that had to do with mind-controlling, toxin, and fire but her parents kept her a secret. She was homeschooled at a young age then she grew up and still wasn't allowed to leave the house but then a Silkwing named Orange came along and offered food with weird black pieces. Ink ate it but she wasn't mind-controlled by the Breath Of Evil and ever since then, Orange treated her badly. December felt kind of bad for Ink and had to do at least something.

December led Ink to the Poison Jungle by sneaking by Orange when she had her back turned. At the entrance of Wasp Hive, they could hear Orange yelling at the Pitchwings to work a bit faster. Ink was led into the Poison Jungle and into the old Leafwing kingdom and then December stopped and saw Ink with her mind-controlled Pitchwing. Io asked December about Ink and December told her that she was the only way of saving both Pantala and Pyrrhia and Io believed her even though she didn't want to. Ink smiled nervously at December and Io but they had no time to waste anymore. "I have a plan but it involves going to my continent..." Ink said "what's the plan?" Io asked "Back at my kingdom, she had the Breath Of Evil and I think if we can disconnect it long enough then we can find the scroll" Ink explained "what scroll..." December replied. 

"The scroll that made your kingdom fall..."       

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