Chapter 12

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"December! Where have you been?" Char asked "you idiot... Can't you see the panther in her talons!? She was obviously getting something to eat" Tamia said and Char snarled at her "guys, can we calm down? Also, who's the little owl buddy? It's adorable!" Ink said, she started petting the owl and it shifted in December's talons. December explained that she found it nearly going to be killed by a panther and just had to save it and everyone thought it was adorable or besides Sundew who disliked small dragonet and any baby animals. Sundew rolled her eyes but December knew she would protect it even if she didn't like it just like she did with Bumblebee who was a small dragonet she protected even though she disliked small dragonets. Everyone was already attached to the little baby owl and December needed it give it a proper name other than the snowy owl, it would be weird calling it it's species name.

December thought for a moment and shared a few name ideas with her friends. "What about Boris?" December asked "that means snow leopard and I'm pretty sue snowy owls and snow leopards don't get along well with each other" Tamia replied "true..." December said disappointedly "um, what about... Snowball!" December exclaimed "yes! Perfect, little snow owl equals Snowball" Ink smiled. The owl seemed to like that named as it oohed in happiness so Snowball was declared to be the name of the baby owl. Char grabbed more sticks to rebuild the fire and while the fire was beginning to rise again, Lotus and Sundew chopped up the panther and cooked it. December laid on her belly and Snowball rested in between her arms but at least they both rested by the fire. The fire looked like looked like burning ambers instead of embers and it raged while making a crackling, it shot a few ashes which the small fires died out while flying through the air. The wood used to start the fire was turning into black ashes along with the dark green grass that reminded December of trapiche emerald, a dark green gemstone belonging to the family of emeralds.

December smiled at Snowball while watching him lay in her arms and drifting off to sleep. Char had came back with the last pile of wood and Lotus and Sundew had cooked the last batch of panther meat. Tamia and Ink were studying the plant book when Sundew placed meat onto a small leather blanket and slid it over to Tamia. "Thanks Sundew but I'm not that hungry" Tamia said but her tone of voice sounded like she was lying, "eat now" Sundew demanded and Tamia smiled and ate under Sundew's command. Lotus slid December over some food and December filled her hungry belly and Char was surprisingly kind enough to bring red bush berried for Snowball. December didn't wake Snowball up though because she couldn't imagine how hard it was to try and survive out in this dangerous forest as a little baby animal who couldn't fly because of a broken wing. (It's wing is still broken...) December thought, she lifted Snowball's wing just a bit to not wake him up, "do you know what happened to it's wing?" Tamia asked "w-what? Wait, how do you know it's wing is broken!? I never told you!" December responded "your mind said so, I just assumed you knew" Tamia said and December remembered that Tamia could read minds.

December kind of looked like a fool, Nightwings born under three full moons had the power of future-telling, mind-reading, and the third moon made their powers more stronger. December sighed then ate her food like everyone else was then they would continue tomorrow morning. It wasn't long before everyone fell asleep after eating but it also wasn't long before what seemed like the sun began to rise and everyone was then awake and was ready to start their journey again. They decided to pack up the rest of the meat and take it with them, they could leave the wood behind because there was more to find anyways. "Where are you going anyways?" Lotus asked "to the core of the forest! I know that if we can get to the core then we can disconnect the mind-controlling long enough for us to take down Orange!" Ink explained "oh, I haven't been there but we can find it and end this whole mess!" Lotus said, she seemed confident. Lotus led the way through the forest and as they moved the forest actually began to change and they started noticing cobble stone shoved into the ground making small pathways. The cobble didn't look natural and rather like someone built this for a reason but it was also cracked and vines crept out of it. December was carrying Snowball on her head because she didn't want him to get lost.

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