Chapter 15

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"Take as many fruits as you can and stuff them in the baskets and pouches" December said as she began to collect fruits off the trees. Tamarin had a great sense of smell so she used that to her advantage and found fruits on trees and even fruits on high branches. DartedVine had both great sight and smell plus she was fast and energetic so collecting fruits wasn't a problem. December took her tail plucking fruits off of branches and moving to the next branch or tree then she heard Tamarin calling for her. "December? December where are you?" Tamarin called out "right here! You shouldn't wander that far off, it's dangerous around here too" December warned "that's not the problem, there's a rotting smell somewhere over there" Tamarin said then pointed far beyond the trees "rotting smell? Might be a dead animal but let's check it out" December said "DartedVine come one! Were gonna go check something out" December called out and DartedVine quickly flew down to them. Tamarin led the way and she was right, a horrible stench stuck December's snout with sharpness and it was so bad that she had to cover her nose. "What the heck! What's that smell? It smells like a whole garbage island" DartedVine complained "I don't know but it's horrible and we need to move faster so I can get fresh air" December said and Tamarin picked up the pace and soon they were at what seemed to be the core of the smell.

December looked on the ground and found nothing but when she looked up her eyes widened to see rotting fruits that smelled horrible and dead animals hanging from branches. "ugh... This is disgusting!" December shouted "why are there so many dead animals? What's with the fruit?" DartedVine asked "the fruits rotting along with the animals but they looked so healthy at first, how could this have happened so quickly!?" December said. Tamarin plucked a piece of fruit off of the tree and sniffed it then quickly jerked back as her nose crinkled up and she stuck out her tongue "gross!" Tamarin said "who knows what might have happened but we can't leave these fruits like this, they'll stink up the place" DartedVine said and she had a point "alright, let's dispose of them now" December choked, it was so bad that she couldn't talk for long before choking on her own words. Tamarin removed the fruits while December removed the animals from the trees and DartedVine spat her acid venom on them to dispose of the awful smell and it was working.

Tamarin soon stopped "December, DartedVine, do you smell smoke?" Tamarin asked "no, wait" December said and sniffed the air and a huge dusk of burning wood or something hit her nose "now I do" December replied. December watched as DartedVine sniffed out the air and followed the scent so they followed too even though it was possibly a bad idea but they found a campfire burning leaf's and bark but no one was around. Rotting fruits and dead animals had also infected this place and the trees had splitting bark and the leaf's were falling right into the fire because they were dying. "This isn't good... We should tell the Queens" DartedVine suggested "agreed, let's go now" Tamarin said and December led the way back to the Sunshine palace and flew to the top levels to find the Queens and luckily they were just taking a fly around, "Queen Blackberry! Queen Castor! Somethings terrible wrong with the fruits and animals!" December called out "what do you mean? the fruits are healthy" Queen Blackberry said "no, their rotting! The animals are mysteriously dying and a huge pile of fire is being created because the leaf's are dying and falling into the fire! The trees bark is splitting and it looks like the trees are about to topple over into the fire!" December explained "what!? We must extinguish the fire at once!" Queen Castor said but just then Grass came flying to the Queens "there's a huge sky of smoke outside! Come!" Grass yelled, his voice was filled with fear, "no... Guards! Bring buckets of water quickly!" Queen Blackberry yelled.

December followed the Queens outside and sure enough a huge fire was raging and smoke was starting to fill the air. December watched in horror but then the other came flying out and asked December what had happened "a fire was in the forest and the trees must have toppled over it!" December explained "uh, quick! December, Tamia, Winter, and Iceberg you guys use your frost breath on the fire as much as you can and me and the other Seawings will find as much water as we can!" Tsunami ordered and December led everyone to the fire that was quickly spreading. Winter took on the parts of the trees that were starting to catch on fire while December, Tamia, and Iceberg took on the fire itself then Ruby stepped in and flew down into the fire because she was basically fire proof and tried her best to stop the fire from the ground below and Clay soon joined her. Tamia tried her best to get as low as possible without burning herself but the smoke made it so they could barely breath then the Seawings returned with the guards with loads of water. Turtle passed 2 buckets of water to December and she passed it down to Tamia who passed it down to Ruby and Clay then they splashed the water onto the leaf's. "Guys! The fire is spreading quickly! We can't put it out!" Ruby called out while coughing "uh, I'll come down!" Tamia yelled then flew down to help them.

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