Chapter 10

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December felt the air brushing through her spikes but also she caught a sniffle of something very sweet and warm. The scent was like sweet pies that her mother used to make out of strawberries and other fruits then there was the scent of sweet chocolate and warm marshmallow's. December hadn't scented something this sweet in forever and she hadn't eaten yet but she felt herself float towards this scent and wouldn't stop, the smell had a hold of her. December was near the scent and expected sweet pies of different kinds and hot chocolate with marshmallow's and slowly opened her eyes. It took her a moment but she soon fell back and scrambled away, she was nearly going to step on the roots of the Flaming Pedal Flower! She nearly screamed at the sight but she covered her mouth and realized that it was still midnight and many of the creatures were out at this time. December slowly pushed herself backwards and away from the flower then uncovered her mouth only to get hit with the sweet scent of pies again.

December glared at the flower as she got up and bared her teeth at it but she couldn't do anything but quietly yell at it. "You tricked me!" She quietly whispered "if I could then I would have your head on a stick!" She barked out loud but the flower said nothing and didn't move but just pretend like it's staring back at December. December knew it was talking trash about her in it's non-existent mind but she didn't care and growled at it, "I'm talking to a stupid flower who can't even speak for itself..." December sighed, her two finger were on each side of her snout. The flower still sat in the ground while not saying anything, the silence went on for minutes but then December grumbled at it once again "come on! Do your worst!" December shouted but the flower didn't say a word and December chuckled. December was about to walk away when something moved past her but when she turned, nothing was there...

December heard something move past her again and again and again but no one was there. December was about to go back to Ink when she heard a loud growl and whipped around angrily. "Who are you!? Show yourself!" December shouted out loud but no one answered "if your gonna attack me then show yourself now!" December barked but no answer "I'm going in circles..." December whispered "listen to me right now! Whoever is out there, animal or dragon, come out and face me!" December roared and it suddenly echoed through the air. Nothing happened at first but then December was blinded by a sack as big as her! December growled as she tried to rip the sack off of her but she was pushed to the ground and was pinned by something stronger than her but with all of December's might, she turned and blew her frost breath through the sack and whatever was pinning her down screamed but not like a Pitchwing. December laughed and ripped the sack in half and she was able to see again but she was soon slashed across the arm with sharp talons and fell to the ground. Her arm was in pain as she uncovered blood in the palm of her talons and felt herself breathe heavily.

December weakly got up but whatever that thing was jumped onto her back and smashed her into the dirt. Dirt fell everywhere but December opened her eyes and saw a light blue Pitchwing! The Pitchwing had no stinger but very sharp talons, sharp teeth, and the Pitchwing was bulky. The Pitchwing hissed at December and threw her to the side but December wasn't about to give up without a fight. These Pitchwings were more skilled with nature and had a trait of a Leafwing with the connection with nature. "You... You destroyed my kingdom and killed half of my population! On behalf of the daughter of a loyal warrior... I will do everything to kill you and the rest of your population!" December roared but the Pitchwing did not answer. December stepped her hind legs back and sprang forward with all her might, her mouth was open, and she bit onto the Pitchwings neck. The Pitchwing screamed but they didn't sound like a normal Pitchwing at all but December didn't think about that as she bit down harder on the Pitchwings neck. Blood poured into December's mouth as her teeth were soaking with blood, she lifted her head high enough for her talons to be placed on the Pitchwings chest.

The Pitchwing wasn't dying or at least not without injuring December. The Pitchwing dug it's talons into the face of December and clawed her talons down her mouth while it tried to kick December with it's hind legs but it was too short. December growled as the Pitchwing grabbed a hold of her spikes and seemingly tried to rip them off but before it could, the Pitchwing stopped moving as December chopped down on it's neck while ripping a huge check of flesh off of the Pitchwing. The Pitchwing fell to the ground, blood poured out of it's neck and onto the ground where it soaked and soon enough the Pitchwing would be a snack for something else. December was bleeding out herself, her face, arm, stomach, and back were all in pain but she guessed Ink finally heard the noise. "December! December where are you!?" Ink called out and spotted December "December!" Ink cried "this thing attacked me!" December grumbled "let's get you healed up, those things are dangerous and this forest is full of them" Ink said "full of these Pitchwings!? We need protection!" December argued "I understand, but there not Pitchwings..." Ink replied.

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