Chapter 13

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The sun seemed to be shining and today was the big hunt! December and her team were already up and ready as they made their way towards the two Queens. Queen Castor had arrived early this morning from her kingdom and brought along a few Naturewings who would participate in this hunt. December was excited to see what they would do in this hunt other than kill animals and saw the Queens standing in the middle of the village giving out their speech. December was excited but every Bluewing was eyeing her and the others along with the Naturewings who growled quietly at Ink but December stayed close by her. They stood like everyone else in the middle of the crowd and heard the Queens and luckily they didn't miss too much. "Everyone, today is the day that we have our annual big hunt! Everyone knows that every year we have one big hunt and this year has been going amazingly well compared to last year and the animals and plants have been kind of over populating which is why were doing this. Everyone needs a set of armor, hunting tools, and big pouches which you will empty in the three leather holes" Queen Blackberry pointed to three giant leather holes, one was used for meat, one was used for fruits, and the other was used for useful plants.

They weren't just hunting animals but also finding resources for the whole two tribes. "Once your pouches are full, empty them in the correct holes and by the end we will all have a big feast!" Queen Castor announced and everyone cheered "one more thing to add, we have new contestants joining this year and everyone knows they are different but that doesn't mean they should be treated differently, we must respect them like we respect each other" Queen Blackberry announced and everyone looked over at the dragons who stood out most. Being the only dragons from different tribes and different continents made December feel a bit left out but the others helped her. Queen Blackberry and Queen Castor announced that the big hunt has begun and everyone went off to find armor and hunting tool while the two Queen simply gave December and her friends armor and hunting tools along with pouches. "These will help you, use your skills in any way possible and we will tell you all when the hunt is over" Blackberry said "thank you, we will surely have fun!" December smiled "we hope you do" Queen Castor said.

The dragons put on their armor and pouches, "wait, where do we go?" Tamia asked "anywhere outside of the kingdom!" Blackberry said. December smiled and they all flew off and followed everyone else outside the kingdom where the nature was kind of harsh and scary. "Alright, let's start hunting! I say we go for the panthers unless there are other animals you guys want to go after" Tamia said "let's just get to hunting, well find more animals along the way" Sundew replied, December followed Tamia and Sundew while Char, Ink, and Lotus went off on their own trip. Tamia and Sundew had possibly hunted more than December so it was better to stay close by then they spotted their animals, a pack of panthers hunting in one spot and they were big. "Stay silent" Tamia whispered as she slipped up into the trees like a snake, her tail quietly wrapping around and branches it could, her talons slowly grabbed onto each branch, and she kept her wings close beside her. Sundew followed Tamia in a similar manner so December learned to do the same, she kept her wings close to her to not rattle the leaf's, and she followed Tamia and Sundew. December kept a knife out that was made by a blacksmith while Tamia had one of those guard spears that looked like a trident and Sundew had a normal spear.

December didn't want a big weapon because she was almost like a starter so she had to keep her weapons to a small or minimum size. Tamia slipped up another tree again and was hovering over the panthers who were now resting, Sundew stayed on the same branch and December followed Sundew. "Ready December?" Sundew whispered into her ear "yeah, let's do this" December whispered back then Sundew peeked her head out a bit and gave Tamia a thumbs-up sign and she smiled. December smiled and was ready just like Sundew and Tamia then they pounced on the panthers! Tamia jabbed one of the panthers with her spear along with Sundew and December bit on one of their necks and stabbed them multiple times. The ones who tried to run off didn't get very far as Tamia threw her spear into another adult one and quickly jabbed the other panther in the eye with her claw. December helped Tamia because one of them had escaped but it didn't go far before December caught up to it and penetrated it's skull with her knife then she dragged it back to the rest. Snowball was still cuddled up on her shoulder and had to hang on tight as she was moving. Tamia carried the all the panthers back to the Queens while December and Sundew went out looking for plants and one being the useful Flaming Pedal Flower and luckily they found one all alone.

The Fallen Ice Kingdom (Wings Of Fire fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon