Part 2 **edited**

130 12 7

Carter p.o.v

i wake up to the sound of the intercom blaring.

"adoption session at 0900" i look over at my bed side clock, 7:33.

0900 means 9am in military time and adoption session means that, in an hour and 27 minutes, some one will be coming in to the adoption center looking for someone to adopt.

i swing my legs over the edge of my bed and stretch into a loud yawn.

"can it Chaston! i am trying to go back to sleep." my roommate Stacy Smith spats at me. she always calls me by my last name. She told me that i am not worthy enough to be called by my first name. Like is she even worthy enough to be called by her first name? I roll my eyes, i am used to her bull shit. So I just ignore it.

i walk over to my dresser and I pull out panties, a bra, my PMO (power moves only) T-shirt, and some black leggings.

Clutching the cloths close to my chest, i rush towards the door, I peer into the hallway to make sure that it is empty. Once i finally see that the hallway is clear, i rush across the hall and into the bathroom. Since this is an all girls adoption center, we only have girls bathrooms.

Pulling a towel out of my locker, i walk over to the shower. I slide the glass door to the side a bit and turn on the shower. I wait a few moments so that the water can get to the right temperature. Stripping of my cloths, i Step into the shower letting my hair and body soak in the hot (but not too hot) water. I then squeeze some shampoo into my hand and start rubbing it into my hair, once i rince it out i repeat that same process with the conditioner. After rinsing the conditioner from my hair i wash my body with "A Thousand Wishes" body wash from "bath and body works". While washing my body, i hear the toilet flush and then the door slam. Then my shower water gets SUPER hot.

"STACY!" i yell with a loud groan. I rinse my body one final time (in what feels like boiling water) and then turn the shower off. I Dry my self off and get dressed then twist my hair into the towel and let it sit on top of my head.

(a/n: does anyone else do that? lol)

Once I am finally fully dressed i head back into the room that i live in. i see stacy sitting on her bed playing on her iPod. Stacy is 17 years old. (a year older than i am)

"why do you have to be such a bitch Stacy?" i glare at her.

"Because its fun." she giggles. Ugh i fucking hate her.he existence makes me want to jump off a bridge.

"no wonder no one wants to adopt you." i mumble under my breath.

"uh excuse me? Speak for your self? at least I'm pretty!" she snaps at me flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"yeah... thats what you think." i laugh a bit "your beauty could be wiped off with a baby wipe." i laugh in her face. She gets up and starts walking towards me.

She is now in my face. "um excuse me? what did you just say?"

"um excuse me, i just said that your beauty could be wiped off with a baby wipe" she stands up, walks over to me and spits on my face. luckily it lands on my cheek and not my eye or lip like it did the last time.

"Your so immature." i say to her. she holds my right shoulder against the wall with her left hand then she draws her right hand back into a fist and lands a punch on my left eye.

"start shit with me again you little bitch, and you will want to sleep with one eye open."

I slide my back down the wall and sit quiet as I look up at the ceiling, I mumble to myself. "I wanna leave so bad"

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