Part 12 *edited*

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Mitch p.o.v

Carter was hugging me and had her face buried in my neck. it was like the cutest thing ever. I felt like she really was MY girl. but at the same time she isn't.

I here a click. I look up to see Jerome taking a picture of us.

"Instagraming this" he laughs. I just roll my eyes.

It gets me sad to think that I am 17 and she is 16 well practically 17. (I looked at her information the day Jerome brought her home. Lol sorry doods)

I mean she is only a year younger than me so that not bad at all, right? But I still feel like she's mine.

She has these dreams, but I have no idea what they are about. but I know she's afraid of something or something gets her really upset. because she wakes up in the middle of the night kind of crying or screaming into her pillow. because the screams are muffled. I just want to run into her room and hold her and have her fall asleep in my arms but I can't. A.) Jerome would kill me and B.) she would most likely think I am a freak.

She lets go of the hug and then walks back over to Jerome and he hands her the phone.

"I had the guy put some numbers in the phone, so you should have some names and numbers." Jerome says reaching for the other bag. he dumps its onto the counter top. about 10 phones cases fall into a pile. the 4 that stick out to me are the one that say

Posh life clothing


Bajancanadian (my old video animation with the food falling and axes crossed)

And one that says Parmesan

There are a bunch of other plastic and silicone ones but I don't pay attention to them.

"Woah." she whispers.

She then picks up the one that says "posh life clothing." I frown a very small frown. but then she puts that one down and picks up the one that says bajanCanadian and slides it around her phone.

"I like this one." she glances at me then looks at Jerome.

"Okay my little bacca, do you like your new phone?" He pats her head playfully.

"Yes,thank you so much for buying it for me." she hugs him again. then she scoops all of the case back into the back and leaves them on the counter. She then walks out of the kitchen and up the stairs. probably to her room. I look at the clock on the wall above the stove. 5:37 pm it reads.

"We should watch a movie." I suggest to Jerome.

"Really..what movie?"

"I dunno, maybe The Conjuring." I suggest again.

"Okie," he says "CARTER! MOVIE!" Jerome yells.

Moments later she comes rushing down the stairs and into the living room.

Jerome makes popcorn and I Get a water from the fridge then walk into the living room. I sit down to the right of Carter. and Jerome comes in, sets the popcorn on the table, and turns the movie on. He then sits down to the left of Carter.

The movie starts acting and about the first 20 to 30 minutes of it nothing exciting is happening. so I decide to do the totally middle school move and fake yawn to put my arm around carter. she quietly scoots closer to me. she rest her head on my shoulder.

Carter p.o.v

I rest my head on Mitch's shoulder and slowly drift off to sleep.

Mitch holds my hand and looks down at me,

"Your beautiful you know that?" He whispers. I blush.

"Your handsome you know that?" The room we were in was all black. it was just us. but we seemed to be giving off dim light.

Mitch then gets hold of both of my hand. looking deep into his eyes. he leaned down and kissed me. but before I could kiss back he disappeared.

"Mitch?" I yelped.

He was gone it was just me left alone in darkness, with no light. not even the dim light from before.

"Mitch!?!" I cried out. teargas start to slowly fall down my cheeks.

Mitch p.o.v

The movie is almost over. Carter has her legs over my legs, her arm wrapped around my stomach and her head is leaning on my shoulder. she start's twitching. I kind of ignore it at first but then it starts to get more frequent. I look down at her face.and there are tears on her cheeks. But she is still asleep must be one of those dreams. I kiss her forehead lightly slipping my arm around her waist, holding her close to me.

She then put her hand on my chest and has a light grip on my shirt. more tears fall down her face.

I feel completely helpless. somewhere she is hurting and I can't help her. she is asleep so I can't comfort her and I don't want to wake her from her slumber. but I do want to wake her up to get her out of wherever or whatever is causing her pain. More tears stream down her face but she is still asleep. I finally mad my decision. I am going to wake her up quietly. so i don't wake Jerome. Because he is sleeping with his head and arm hung over the arm of the couch.

I place my free hand on craters shoulder.

"Carter wake up." I whisper "Carter please wake up."

She groans quietly then blinks. one last year falls down the side of her face. she realizes her she was sleeping and then tried to move. but I don't let her

"It's okay." i whisper she pauses and then she gets comfy again, trying to ignore the tears on her cheek. I whip them away with my thumb.

"What causes you to have dreams, That hurt you so badly." I whisper brushing hair behind her ear.

She looks up at me with a sad look but not a sad moppy look. a sad look like she wants something.

"You." she chokes out.

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