Part 11 *edited*

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Jerome p.o.v

The car ride home. I'm kind glad that neither of them asked what I bought. well Mitch already knows but Carter doesn't. it's not like I bought her a car or anything but I know she will love her gift. well I should says gift's. (That's plural)

Carter p.o.v

The car ride home was mostly silent. i sat behind Jerome (who was driving). I kept staring at Mitch's hair. and then every few minutes I would see Jerome chance at me through the rear view mirror, then a split second later, when he say that i caught him staring at me, he would look away. Mitch's hair was always kind of messy. but not in the un-attractive messy way, like a messy hair cute boy way, if that made any sense at all.

We pull up to our house...well I should say mansion, and walk inside. Jerome walks into the kitchen and sets his bags Down on the island that is in the middle of the kitchen.

I, on the other hand, walk up the stairs and into my bedroom. placing my bags on the floor and flopping onto my bed.

"I missed you so much" I mumble into my pillows.

I decide to put on some of my new cloths. so I put on the Nike leggings I got  and the plain white Tshirt that I got from PINK as well.

After I am done changing I decide to go brush my teeth. i feel like my breath is yucky. so I walk into the bathroom, brush my teeth then stair to walk down the hallway, when I bump into a solid figure.

"Oh hey Mitchy poo" I scrunch my nose at him like a little kid.

"How's my wittle benj" he sticks his tongue out at me. then we just sit there in silence for a few moments. then he leans in and kisses me. at first I am shocked. and then I eventually kiss back.

I wake up with my face still in my pillows. I have butterflies in my stomach. I let out a sad sigh. "to bad it couldn't be real" I whispered out loud.

"Too bad what couldn't be real?" Mitch asks as he walks into my room.

Mitch p.o.v

"Oh nothing." Carter lifts we head up from her pillows and looks at me. I am standing in her door way.


I can tell when she lies because she always looks down and to her left when she lies. but I'm not gonna force her to tell me. I don't want her to feel smothered.

"Okay. well Jerome has something for you down should come check it out." I smile politely then walk away. I then here foot steps running on the wooden floors.

The next thing I know, she is bolting past me and down the stairs. I laugh a bit. I have never seen her this excited.

Carter p.o.v

Jerome got something for me. I feel so excited. unlike most people, i Absolutely adore surprises. but not in a selfish way. I just think that it's sweet when people are kind enough to buy something or plan something  for me.

I ran into the kitchen, and sat in the counter top. Jerome has a couple of bags on the island that was only a couple feet from me. the one bag, only had one thing in it. it was a rectangular box. and the other bag was kind of bigger and had a lot of long but thin boxes in it.

I am puzzled.

Then Jerome pulls out a white box with shiny silver letters on it.

"iPhone 5S" the box reads.

My jaw drops. I jump off the counter and run over to Jerome and hug him tightly.


He lightly Hugs me back" Calm down my little bacca , it wasn't all me, Mitch has the engravings made on the back." He then winks at Mitch.

I lift my one eye brow at Jerome. he then lightly slides the box apart. it reveals a sliver iPhone phone. it still had the plastics on it. Jerome flipped it over to show me the back. above the Apple it said "Benjas little Benj" it was cute. I blush a bit then turn to look at Mitch. He is blushing too. he then looks down and then rubs the back of his neck.

"I-it w-was just..uhh... a little something for you. like uhh kind of 'welcome to the family' present I guess uhh" his said with his face right red and he was stuttering. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. he paused for a moment. then hugged me back.

"I love it Mitch." he doesn't smell like cologne but he smells like a guy. but he smells like a really good guy.  I'm not smelling him in a creepy way or anything. I bury my face in his neck as he says "you do?"

I smile into his neck "Yes"

It seems dumb that something so small could make me so happy.

But at that moment I knew.

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