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chapter two

My mind wanders, one of my legs dangling from the side of my hammock.

I could hear the waves crashing along shore, Ilu's yipping, my people talking and the children laughing.

Everything was perfect, but me? I wasn't.

My mind wandered to one thing, one thing only. One person only.

His yellow eyes stay on my mind, his soft but deep voice, his dark blue skin, his smile, laugh, him. I bonded with him unlike I've ever bonded with someone and now that was gone.

One sky person and their weird weapons took him so easily.

stupid, it's so stupid.

"Where are you taking me!" Does he ever stop whining? "Patient Teyam." I chuckled, my eyes rolling as I dragged the Omatikaya.

Neteyam looked around the forest like environment, his hands grazing every leaf and plant that came his way.

"Hurry, come on forest boy!" I dragged him even harder, I knew he missed home but I had something to show him and I was way to excited to let him dwell on the forest like place.

"Okay, okay!" He laughed, quickening his pace.

"can I get a hint on where we're going?" I shook my head but he didn't stop begging to know, he was so annoying. In an adorably weird way.

"We're here!"

I moved the big leaf's to reveal my little hidden spot. My 'kingdom' as I called it.

"Oh my..."

I revealed trees and plants, a pond in the middle of it all. The water was glowing, the reef inside was bioluminescence. Filled with pink, blue, green and yellow colors.

I found it when I was young and kept it a secret, no one usually comes so far out of the village so it was always me alone.

"Only my Ilu and Spirit brother know of it." I said softly as I watched Neteyam stare at it in awe.

I made a hammock and left a few of my stuff here, it was my spot so I made sure it felt like a second home.

"It's...magical." He laughed before grabbing my hand and leading me more into the spot.

"I know. My second home." I smiled as he let go of my hand and ran to every plant and touched it, putting his hand in the water.

"Not even Tsireya of Roxto know of it?" He asked in complete shock, I shook my head 'no' in response to his question.

"Let's swim!" He chirped.

We stayed there for hours, till eclipse.

Talking, swimming, sometimes just laying in complete silence.

I turned my gaze to Neteyam. He was sitting up, using his hands to hold him up and I was laying on my back with my hands behind my head.

"It's so pretty." He spoke suddenly, I smiled as my eyes stayed on his face. "Yeah, beautiful honestly."

really beautiful, really, really beautiful.

the memory stopped as Roxto sat next to me, stopping my whole thought process.

"It's him." Roxto spoke, his gaze looking out onto the ocean.

"What?" my face scrunched up, hands playing with the wet sand.

"You think I didn't notice you always sneaking off with Neteyam or the way you were way more gentle and kind to him. Way more than the other Sully siblings."

I just listened to him, I had no energy to say something. I was in a funk of sadness and what's the point of protecting our bond, he's gone.

"I don't really care if you know Roxto, I don't wanna talk about it either way." I exhaled a shaky breath, "I really don't care if anyone knows. I miss him and there is no amount of words that would make me miss him less."

I stood up, my breathing rapid. "So can you all just leave me alone so I can grieve him, in peace." Roxto didn't say anything, he just stared at me.

"He really got close to your heart."

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