lights out

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chapter eight

My tail swayed back in forth rapidly as my head laid rested on my forearms.

"He'll be okay." Tsireya kneeled next to me but I could see even she was uncertain.

"Woah, he's even prettier than you described Ao!" Rey'o walked into the Mauri, joining me and Tsireya. She tried to see more of Neteyam, her tail swooshing with excitement, hair falling off her shoulders as her ears went up.

"tìtxen fì'u 'eveng te Eywa!" Mother chanted some more, she was till heartbroken about our village but she always overcame her pain and did what was needed, father was the main reason she always bounced back from her pain. There like one another's anchor, rock, stone, strength.

"He will be okay," my ears went up, standing from my position and spider crawling over to Ma'Teyam. "I do not know when he will wake but he is okay." I hummed, cupping Teyam's face, one leg between his thighs as the other on the side of his body. "He should wake up soon though, with the way things looked." I gave my mother a soft smile, whispering a 'thank you' I then turned my attention back to Teyam, adoring the fact that he was breathing and that his heart was once again beating.

"Can I see him?" Rey'o scooted close to me, examining Neteyam. "Wow, he looks different but so—pretty." I smiled as Rey'o looked at Teyam in awe. "He's even prettier in the sun." I told her and that made her giggle.

"Move, move! I wanna see him!" Tsireya shoved us away and did the same as us, took on the fact that we were gonna be able to talk and hug the once dead Neteyam.

"We must call for the Suli's!" Tsireya gave Neteyam a kiss to the cheek before running off to ask father how we would alarm the Suli's of their sons revival.

"I'm gonna go make him a gift for when he wakes up!" I laughed as Rey'o skipped away with pure joy, as soon as she was gone my attention went back to Neteyam. I cupped his face once again, my hair falling gently downwards as my tail flicked back and forth.

"I see you once again, Ma'Teyam." I kissed his forehead, my eyes closing, feeling a peace be brought back to me after all these years.

After wutso (dinner) I headed back to the Mauri and I set up my bed for the night. I wanted to be there when he woke up so a little uncomfortable sleep is worth that.

"Goodnight Ma'Teyam." I gave him one last kiss to the cheek before I got some shut eye.


"Your first mission in years and you failed already?"

"Look we'll head back to the village and get the boy, we'll kill them all if we have to."

"That doesn't make it better, the boys alive now! You can't just carry him like before! Okay—you fail one more time and it's OFFICIAL lights out for you, got it?"

" it."

"Okay then, let get back to work Marine's!"

"How do you wanna do this?" I exhaled deeply, a grin appearing on my face.

"Well boys we'll try to do it nicely but if they don't corporate we'll have to get a bit," I grabbed my gun and grinned even wider. "messy."

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