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chapter five

The feeling stayed there, this uneven feeling as I realized I had to choose a mate soon.

Even after four years I still love him.

"Just find someone you can trust to be a great Tsahik and someone you can bare it all with." Tsireya hugged me as I looked at all the young women, they were all beautiful but I don't think anything will ever match his enchantment.

"Your ceremony is tomorrow, let's go."

We left the warm sand and went to finish the top of my very own Mauri. Now that am to be the next olo'eyktan I get my own Mauri for me and my chosen mate.

"Can I help?" I looked down to see Ray'o with a big grin on her lips. I smiled, noticing her tail swaying rapidly and her feet doing little shuffles as she waited for my response. I could never say no to my little sister.

"Grab the seyn and finish over there."

We finished in the next hour or so, Roxto made it go by quicker. He chose his mate last year, they were the perfect match. She's a bit rough but they balance one another.

Once we finished my Mauri the family helped me move in soon after. "We'll that's the last of it, I'm excited for this new chapter to open in your life. Very proud of you." I smiled as my father patted my back before leaving my Mauri pod.

He's proud of me.


My feet dug deeper into the damp soil of the ground, my hands going through the tangled grace as I inhaled the smell of bark on the trees and the salty ocean. I love coming here, it's like the ocean and the forest are one.

My favorite place to be.

"tell me one more!" My ears perked up as Ray'o sat next to me. I was confused at first but then I realized she wanted me to tell her a story. I told her stories of Neteyam and the Sully's as she grew up. They became family but we haven't seen them since the war ended. Ray'o was in mother's stomach so she never met them.

"The Sully's or Teyam?" I raised my eyebrows as I let her lay in between my legs, playing with the grass beneath her.

"Okay. How about I tell you of our first 'date'?" Her ears perked up, her tail swishing rapidly. I always said I didn't feel ready to talk of it but I've got better so why not?

"Really? Oh really?" She got to her knees, making sure I wasn't messing with her. I nodded with a soft smile and once she realized i was being serious she laid back down and closed her eyes, nodding to me so I can start the story.

"a what?" I scrunched my face up at the unfamiliar word.

"A date! That's what the sky people call it. It's where they do something special for their lover." I nodded slowly as I instantly thought that me and Teyam should have

"Meet me here at eclipse." I didn't even explain I just gave him that information and ran off.

We were to have our first date. Tonight and it will be the best one ever.

"I need your help." Roxto exhaled a shaky breath, he loves me but he hates helping me so much, I need help constantly.

We decorated me and Teyam's 'secret spot', getting food prepared and we made a hammock as well for us to sleep on if we got too tired to make it back home.

I had our whole night planned, Roxto would cover for me so I didn't have to worry. All I could hope was that tonight would be perfection.

I smiled as I finished touching up my outfit. I was wearing my usual clothes but I put a few extra accessories on, not wanting to be too fancy but not too sloppy. Bedazzling myself.

"Okay go!" I yelled at Roxto. "When are you going to tell me who you do all this for?" Roxto whined. "Okay fine," Roxto smiled brightly, heh as if. "Your mom." Learned that from Lo'ak.

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